The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Economy will thrive with commitment, focus

- Cde Mzvinavhu, Via e-mail.

EDITOR — The world over, it’s not Government that creates the majority of jobs. It is citizens who are free to form companies or partake in activities for profits and making a living.

I agree with most Zimbabwean­s that the Government should assist in creating a conducive environmen­t for both local and foreign investors to create jobs.

But you should not be silent on the issue of sanctions.

Sanctions, like corruption, must go, as these are some of the necessary conditions for job cre- ation. Zimbabwean­s know well that not all the years were bad since 1980. This explains why some opposition leaders, like Tsvangirai, used to be members of ZANU-PF.

Yes, we need our economy to improve, but we don’t regret our land reform that caused the current sanctions hanging on our economy.

We believe our economy will recover without us revisiting Rhodesia as some people continue to lament in vain over our 37 years of ZANU-PF rule.

Those who imposed sanctions, supported by MDC-T, are happy that our economy is in this state because of sanctions.

True Zimbabwean­s are committed to see this country become a jewel in Africa.

We have the human capital and intelligen­ce to achieve this.

We just need to be committed as a people — those governing us and those of us who elected them — to delivering on our individual and collective mandates.

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