The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu-PF urged to swoop on social media abusers

- Bulawayo Bureau

ZANU-PF politburo member Cde Eunice Nomthandaz­o Moyo has given the party’s Bulawayo provincial executive a five-day ultimatum to institute disciplina­ry action against youth leaders accused of insulting President Mugabe through social media platforms.

Cde Moyo, who is also the Minister of State for Bulawayo Provincial Affairs, was speaking yesterday following an explosive Provincial Co-ordinating Committee meeting where a motion was also moved to suspend Central Committee member Cde Anna Moyo.

The Central Committee member is alleged to have teamed up with youths who organised a demonstrat­ion last Thursday denouncing the party’s provincial leadership.

The protesters allegedly called for the firing of the party’s provincial chairperso­n Cde Dennis Ndlovu and provincial youth chairperso­n Cde Anna Mokgohloa saying they were imposed on the people. Cde Moyo, who is Zanu-PF deputy secretary for Women’s Affairs, said some members of the Youth League in the province were facing allegation­s of insulting party leaders on social media and rebelling against provincial leaders.

She said Bulawayo provincial youth secretary for finance David Muhambi has since been suspended allegedly for insulting President Mugabe on social media while Mabutho Moyo, the Luveve district youth commissar and Munashe Mututsa, the provincial deputy secretary for education were allegedly rebelling against the party’s provincial leaders.

“We are not going to accept this in the province. You should move with speed to take action against these individual­s or risk being suspended yourselves,” said Cde Moyo. She said Bulawayo province should act within the next five days.

Muhambi allegedly sent messages to other youths on social media prior to President Mugabe’s birthday bash on February 25, saying he would not lead a fundraisin­g team for the birthday party.

He allegedly told the provincial youth leadership that he could not spearhead a fundraisin­g exercise “for a 93 year old” while youths were starving.

Cde Moyo said Muhambi is alleged to have excused himself from fundraisin­g activities saying he was going out of the country up to March, but shocked the party’s leadership when he was seen with President Mugabe’s children during the bash in Matobo.

She said she did not understand where youths like Mabutho were getting the courage to insult the party’s leadership. The Politburo member said the youths in question threatened the provincial executive saying they were untouchabl­e.

Cde Moyo said the rebellious youths could be getting their orders from some senior party officials who she said risked being exposed.

She dismissed allegation­s by the youths who demonstrat­ed last Thursday that fuel coupons meant for the President’s birthday bash were stolen.

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