The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Civil servants show maturity

- Cde Mahwema, Harare.

EDITOR - Civil servants must be commended for reconsider­ing their industrial action, amid revelation­s that rogue elements were intent on hijacking it. They have put regime change agents to shame. I am sure their plan was to plant criminals to destroy property and feed Western media with staged content that Zimbabwe is in turmoil.

It won’t be second time lucky for the deluded Pastor Evan, if he was looking to ride on the civil service strike again, he has misled himself this time.

Civil servants leaders did the correct thing by call ing off the strike and disabuse the political activists seeking opportunit­ies to prove to their Western masters that they should be given the sinister regime change funds.

Civil servants should continue dialogue with their employer, on the clear understand­ing that Government cannot print money to pay them.

Government revenue comes from the public being taxed. They need no lectures on our economic nadir or the satanic effects of sanctions on our economy.

After all, Government workers are not the only workers in this country. Some private sector workers have lost their jobs.

Those still employed, their employers struggle to pay them monthly salaries, let alone bonuses. Workers in municipali­ties have gone for months without being paid.

The civil service has refused to fuel attempts by opposition politician­s seeking money from Europe.

Why would Promise Mkhwananzi join civil servants in their industrial action? In what capacity?

Civil servants should maintain existing channels of resolve in dealing with their concerns because it does not want to seem like they are holding their employer - the Government - to ransom.

If anything, they should actually give serious considerat­ion to accepting the stands offer that was tabled by Government.

It is a worthwhile plan with long-term benefits. Those who did not have houses will have to capitalise, those who already had properties may earn extra income through rentals.

Also, the offer falls under the Zim-Asset cluster that touches on housing. Union leaders should not sabotage Government policy for selfish means.

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