The Herald (Zimbabwe)


- Fungai Lupande Court Reporter

VETERAN radio personalit­y Tichafa Augustine Matambanad­zo — known as Tich Mataz — who is accused of trying to smuggle clothes and shoes from China into the country yesterday told the court that he believed his items fell under rebate.

Matambanad­zo told the court that he had no intention of evading duty and was ordered to leave with his bags by a “certain” Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) official.

Defending himself yesterday, Matambanad­zo told the court that he does not know the name of the official who dismissed him.

“After handing over my declaratio­n form, I was asked to pack my bags and so I did, assuming that everything was sorted,” said Matambanad­zo.

“A Zimra official told me that I was free to go and I jovially went home since I was tired. I met four to fi ve officials that day and I had no reason to ask their names. I thought everything was above board. I had no intention of depriving Zimra of their duty.”

During cross- examinatio­n, the prosecutor Ms Francesca Mukumbiri asked Matambanad­zo if it was his first time at the airport.

He confirmed that he was a regular traveller.

“When you went though the green route, you were indicating that you had nothing to declare?” asked Ms Mukumbiri.

Matambanad­zo said he normally travels for business and does not bring items for resale.

“I thought I had no goods to declare,” he said.

Ms Mukumbiri asked if it was the correct position that he had no goods to declare and Matambanad­zo said it depends with the interactio­n with Zimra officials.

“What kind of i nteraction?” asked Ms Mukumbiri, and Matambanad­zo said the Zimra official’s discretion.

“Why did you declare five suits yet you had 10?” asked Ms Mukumbiri.

Matambanad­zo said he was sur- prised to hear that since he signed the declaratio­n form under the supervisio­n of the Zimra official.

“Why did you not challenge that in court?” asked Ms Mukumbiri.

“We learn every day. The offi cial counted suits that I went to China with,” replied Matambanad­zo.

In her closing submission Ms Mukumbiri told the court that Matambanad­zo failed to mention the name of the offi cial who dismissed him because he was lying.

“He failed to declare his personal used clothes because his intention was to smuggle goods in broad daylight,” she said.

“May he be punished accordingl­y?”

Harare magistrate Mr Lazini Ncube will pass judgment today.

Matambanad­zo, who is the director of ZiFM is facing charges of contraveni­ng the Customs and Exercise Act.

It is alleged that on January 7 this year, Matambanad­zo arrived at Harare Internatio­nal Airport on board Kenya Airways from China.

After picking his boxes from the carousels, Matambanad­zo allegedly went through the green route. He was stopped and directed to the red route.

Matambanad­zo was asked to complete a declaratio­n form and he complied. It is alleged that a Zimra official went through Matambanad­zo’s stuff and noticed that he had several suits, shirts, track bottoms and shoes.

Matambanad­zo was supposed to pay $538,75 in customs duty.

 ??  ?? Tichafa Matambanad­zo
Tichafa Matambanad­zo

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