The Herald (Zimbabwe)

God works through trials

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John 16 vs 33; “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulatio­n, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

As I scanned through the global news this morning I was hit by one reality: the overwhelmi­ng challenges that humanity seems to be grappling with.

Crime, drought, terrorism, super bugs, antibiotic­s that no longer work as they are supposed to, economic woes and the Zika virus, the list is daunting and endless.

One thing remains constant though, despite the seemingly endless woes, we serve a God who is still very much in charge. Our troubles are often as a result of our inherent desire to control, to be in charge, to have certainty and ultimately to chart a clear course into the future.

We often overlook the fact that the Lord has seen what will happen today long before it has even happened.

Our trepidatio­n comes from the belief that the issues at play are beyond God, which is far from the truth.

The minute we all let go and simply say, “Lord you are in charge, where you lead me by faith I will go” we will see this cloud of anxiety dissipatin­g.

The desire to control is natural, while letting go is difficult and unbearable; yet it is the only way to muster faith and accept that He is in control, taking charge and leading.

Don’t lose heart, hold on to the promise that despite the billows that are raging, the storm will soon be over. Like He said, peace be still. Be blessed. REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS ...

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