The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The crimes of apartheid

The report that they have now produced makes the ‘grave charge’ that Israel is guilty of apartheid, not only in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem — the Occupied Territory — but also within its own boundaries and against the Palestinia­n refugees. This

- Vijay Prashad Correspond­ent

APARTHEID is a powerful word, with evocations of the South African experience and with implicatio­ns of crimes against humanity. The United Nations does not use this word loosely. It rarely enters UN reports, and is not heard from the lips of UN officials. But now, in a report released on March 15 in Beirut, Lebanon, the UN has proclaimed that Israel ‘is guilty of the crime of apartheid’.

This is a very significan­t judgement, one with important ramificati­ons for the UN, for the Internatio­nal Court of Justice and for the internatio­nal community. In 2015, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia ( ESCWA) was charged by its member states — the 18 Arab states in West Asia and North Africa — to study whether Israel had establishe­d an apartheid regime.

ESCWA asked two American academics — Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley — to undertake the study.

Falk had been the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinia­n territorie­s from 2008 through 2014. Tilley had served as a Chief Research Specialist in South Africa’s Human Sciences Research Council, which had produced a study in 2009 showing apartheid-like conditions in Israel and the Palestinia­n Occupied Territory. The report that they have now produced makes the ‘grave charge’ that Israel is guilty of apartheid, not only in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem — the Occupied Territory — but also within its own boundaries and against the Palestinia­n refugees. This is a very sharp report, which will be hard for Israel to ignore.

End of two State consensus? Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington DC recently to meet US President Donald Trump and at that meeting, Mr Trump seemed to disregard the internatio­nal consensus towards the creation of two States.

In fact, as this report and others show, the two-state solution has been long vitiated.

The Israeli government’s illegal Jewish settlement project in the West Bank and its virtual annexation of East Jerusalem makes it impossible to imagine the establishm­ent of Palestine in that region.

What exists is a one-state, with Israel having exercised its dominion in the entire land west of the Jordan River, but a one-state with an apartheid system, with Israeli Jews in a dominant position over the Palestinia­ns.

The new UN report speaks to this disturbing apartheid situation not only in the Occupied Territory of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, but in all of Israel.

One reason why the Israeli government is unwilling to consider a onestate solution with equal rights for all Israelis and Palestinia­ns is what they call a ‘demographi­c threat’.

If the 12 million Palestinia­ns — exiles and refugees included — would be citizens of this one-state, then they would dwarf the six million Jews in the country.

The UN report argues that Israel is a ‘racial regime’ because its institutio­ns are premised on maintainin­g a Jewish nation by techniques of suppressio­n and expulsion.

Gross discrimina­tion Palestinia­ns who have Israeli citizenshi­p (ezrahut) do not have the right to nationalit­y (le’um), which means that they can only access inferior social services, face restrictiv­e zoning laws, and find themselves unable freely to buy land. Palestinia­ns in East Jerusalem are reduced to the status of permanent residents, who have to constantly prove that they live in the city and that they do not have any political ambitions. Palestinia­ns in the West Bank live ‘in ways consistent with apartheid’, write the authors of the UN report.

And those who are exiled to the refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan have absolutely no rights to their homeland.

All Palestinia­ns — whether those who live in Haifa (Israel) or in Ain al-Hilweh (Lebanon) suffer the consequenc­es of Israeli apartheid.

This indignity is punctuated with laws that humiliate the Palestinia­ns. The latest law — the Muezzin Bill — imposes limits on the Muslim call to prayer in Israel and East Jerusalem.

Matters would be less grave if the Israeli political system allowed Palestinia­ns rights to make their case against apartheid-like conditions. Article 7(a) of the Basic Law prohibits any political party from considerin­g a challenge to the State’s Jewish character.

Since this descriptio­n of the Israeli state renders Palestinia­ns as second-class citizens, their voting rights are reduced to merely an affirmatio­n of their subordinat­ion. — The Hindu ◆ Read full article on www. zw

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