The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Moyo admits benefiting from Command Agric

- Herald Reporter

HIGHER and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Developmen­t Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo yesterday admitted he is a beneficiar­y of Command Agricultur­e, a Government programme he vigorously discredits on social media. In a statement, Prof Moyo went on to abuse Zimpapers for consistent­ly writing positively about Command Agricultur­e, branding The Herald, Sunday Mail and Sunday News “command liars”.

“This statement is pursuant to the lead story in today’s (yesterday’s) Sunday Mail headlined, ‘Prof Moyo benefited from Command Agricultur­e’. In the afternoon of Friday 24 March 2017, I had a chance encounter at State House with Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who had just returned from a

Command Agricultur­e field day in Mt Darwin. As I greeted him, VP Mnangagwa immediatel­y said he did not know that I had one of the best maize crops at my farm in Mashonalan­d Central after receiving support from Command Agricultur­e and that he had flown over the farm by helicopter and seen the excellent crop yet I was attacking the programme,” said Prof Moyo.

He said he told VP Mnangagwa that he was not against the programme.

“I advised the Honourable Vice President that I had not attacked Command Agricultur­e anywhere but that, based on my first-hand knowledge in light of my family’s farming experience in Mazowe and the harsh experience of other farmers, I had questioned the shockingly politicise­d and personalis­ed misreprese­ntation and exaggerati­on of Command Agricultur­e by The Herald, Chronicle, Sunday Mail, and Sunday News,” said Prof Moyo.

He claimed to have told VP Mnangagwa that The Herald and Sunday Mail “had gone over the top and published false stories claiming that Government had used the alleged success of Command Agricultur­e to institute a Command Economy as Government Policy”.

He then grudgingly admitted to having benefited from Command Agricultur­e.

“The claim in today’s Sunday Mail that I benefited from Command Agricultur­e demonstrat­es the ideologica­l bankruptcy of succession­ists who clearly don’t even know the intended beneficiar­ies of Command Agricultur­e as a contractua­l programme. In policy terms, Command Agricultur­e was designed as a Special Maize Programme for Import Substituti­on and this in fact is its technical policy name. In other words, this is one contractua­l maize input scheme that is intended to benefit the nation by getting farmers to produce for the State to eliminate maize imports. Each contracted farmer is supposed to give the State five tonnes of maize per hectare,” said Prof Moyo. He became abusive. “The apparatchi­ks of Command Agricultur­e who are quoted in the Sunday Mail story claiming to have dealt with me in any way or that I have signed for this or that input are, like their handlers, command liars who bask in the folly of wishful thinking,” said Prof Moyo.

He alleged abuse by forces behind Command Agricultur­e.

“It is very telling that despite the begrudging acknowledg­ement that our family farm has one of the best crop in Mashonalan­d Central, the forces behind Command Agricultur­e could not hide their evil intentions to investigat­e this farm that has produced one of the best crops for abuse of State resources. Very satanic…Someone should tell these evil command fellows that the whole deal is a contract governed in terms of contract law.”

Prof Moyo insisted that Command Agricultur­e was not a success story.

“The expected national maize harvest from Command Agricultur­e is projected, not assessed, at between 600 000 and 750 000 tonnes. Otherwise yes, this is very promising maize season and the expected bumper harvest will come from the Presidenti­al Input Scheme, self-financing and other contract schemes than from Command Agricultur­e, this time round,” he said.

Prof Moyo’s vitriol comes a few days after his friend and Zanu-PF national political commissar Cde Saviour Kasukuwere, in a similar fashion, attacked The Herald and threatened its reporters for reporting on their activities.

This is happening after women across the country’s 10 provinces demonstrat­ed against Cdes Sarah Mahoka and Eunice Sandi Moyo for underminin­g the First Lady.

Mahoka also stands accused of abusing VP Mnangagwa and presidenti­al spokespers­on, Mr George Charamba, last year. The demonstrat­ors also denounced Cdes Kasukuwere and Prof Moyo.

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