The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Enduring the race of faith

- Matthew 24 vs 13; “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

ENDURANCE is one of the most difficult discipline­s. It could be in any setting; preparing for an exam, running a marathon, waiting to get well and so on.

The process of just waiting and sitting through things, situations and events requires monumental patience that not many people have the ability to exercise.

Interestin­gly, we are able to endure, with pleasure, the things that we like. We can be patient when listening to our favourite music or musician, listening to our favourite speaker or watching a movie we like, the process is just a breeze for us, we can sit patiently no matter how long it takes.

However, the problem comes when we must endure the things we dislike or that do not bring us any pleasure or benefit.

Under these circumstan­ces we can barely make it, the process seems to take forever and we wonder, “but why do I have to go through this Lord?”

In our lifetime, we will all go through many an event that we wish we did not have to, we will cry, question and get upset over a lot of things.

However, if the Lord has decreed that the path to the fulfilment of your life’s purpose requires you to pass through certain landmarks for your spiritual and physical developmen­t then you have no option, but to endure and learn the lesson earmarked for you.

You may be going through all sorts of things that you wish you did not have to, patiently endure and pray for them to come to pass soon.

In the meantime, learn the lessons you need to and you will come out of the situation a better person. Be blessed. REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS ... For more info: Visit our website:; e-mail us on; catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours.

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