The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Mushore’s salary balloons

- Innocent Ruwende Senior Reporter

HARARE City Council now owes Mr James Mushore over $125 000 in salary arrears after the former NMBZ bank chief executive officer was sent on forced after signing a two-year contract with the municipali­ty.

The High Court last year ruled that Mr Mushore was entitled to his salary and benefits despite him having been barred from Town House.

The $125 000 salary arrears exclude benefits and Mr Mushore has since threatened to sue council over the unpaid salaries. He signed a contract with council on April 1 last year, but was sent on forced leave after Government rescinded his appointmen­t.

Mr Mushore will pocket $251 400 in two years if council fails to act on his appointmen­t. In rescinding his appointmen­t, Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister Saviour Kasukuwere argued that council flouted procedures when it appointed him.

According to the Urban Councils Act, the city council was supposed to submit names of candidates to the Local Government Board. Minister Kasukuwere declared Mr Mushore’s appointmen­t illegal, but council still gave him a contract.

Through his lawyers Gill, Godlonton and Gerrans, Mr Mushore wrote to the city demanding payment of his salary when it was at $70 000.

Harare mayor Mr Bernard Manyenyeni yesterday said the matter was yet to be resolved.

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