The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Mujuru lacks political depth

- Peacemaker Zano, Via e-mail.

EDITOR — It’s now more than two years since former Vice President and now leader of National People’s Party (NPP), Joice Mujuru, was expelled from the ruling party ZANU-PF.

Following her ouster, Mujuru’s political career has been dogged by challenges which are fast exposing her weaknesses as a leader.

In her attempt to gain political relevance, Mujuru has been attacking the Zanu-PF Government and its leadership.

Quoted in the local Press this week, Mujuru impetuousl­y criticised Government under the leadership of President Mugabe, for the state of the health system in Zimbabwe as a sign of neglect of citizens.

It is an open secret that Mujuru, who served as a Government minister since 1980 when the country attained its independen­ce and for 10 years as Vice President, never contribute­d anything meaningful to revive the country’s health sector.

Mujuru should actually be ashamed of uttering such allegation­s in the media.

One is tempted to think that Mujuru’s damascene moment is all, but an act and if given an opportunit­y to return to Zanu-PF she will be singing a different tune.

It’s unfortunat­e that the former VP is only questionin­g the condition of the health service and delivery now, because she is out of Government and also because her party officials were admitted to Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospitals.

Mujuru is a failed politician attempting to repackage herself. Just because Mujuru was booted out of the ruling party, she is trying to portray herself as a goody-two shoes by tarnishing the image of President Mugabe.

That argument does not fly and her interviews in Britain recently revealed that much.

Forming political parties has become a money making venture in Zimbabwe albeit devoid of any ideologica­l standing. Mujuru is fast realising her folly.

After her expulsion from ZANU-PF, she formed a political party, Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) or was drafted into the party, according to Didymus Mutasa and Rugare Gumbo.

Neverthele­ss, she encountere­d a plethora of difficulti­es that saw the party fractured in its infancy, resulting in the formation of National People’s Party. Allegation­s of abuse of party funds by Mujuru were made in ZPF and the boat continues to sink for her as she has no firm ideologica­l standing.

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Joice Mujuru

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