The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Imperialis­m’s Zimbabwe waiting game strategy

Ambassador Johnnie Carson openly acknowledg­ed that President Mugabe and ZANU-PF have won the propaganda war, by convincing the world that US-EU sanctions not bad governance are the root cause for Zimbabwe’s economic challenges.

- Obi Egbuna Jnr Simunye

WHEN future generation­s of Mother Africa’s children at home and abroad study the 21st century, it will be impossible for them to ignore that while Zimbabwe gained its political independen­ce 20 years before the beginning of the new millennium, their courageous fight to have the cowardly and vindictive sanctions imposed on them by US-EU Imperialis­m lifted once and for all has lasted longer than both the First and Second Chimurenga Wars combined.

While this demonstrat­es that on the surface US-EU imperialis­m are sore losers in every respect, a more piercing and in-depth analysis shows the resolve of President Mugabe and ZANU-PF.

This dynamic has caused our former colonisers and enslavers to dig deep into their bag of tricks to come up with the best strategy that will make their racist and cowardly regime change agenda a reality. Because the Bush and Obama administra­tion were equally committed to this objective, it is virtually impossible for their spin-doctors in the US State Department, the think-tank community, or the US Senate and Congress to deny that this is without question a blemish on their record that cannot be hidden or camouflage­d.

At the heart of US-EU Imperialis­m quest for regime change in Zimbabwe is the fact that they have come to grips with the idea that the only option at their disposal is to maintain US-EU sanctions as long as President Mugabe is alive, from this twisted and diabolical perspectiv­e they are robbing Africa’s boldest and most steadfast head of state and government of a victory in the diplomatic arena, that arguably will be considered even more significan­t than leading and prevailing in a protracted armed struggle against all odds not even 40 years ago.

This strategic concession by US-EU imperialis­m is by no means a tactical retreat but rather an adjustment in policy, that represents an attempt to weigh all factors and variables hoping that a political novice like US President Donald Trump does not arrive at the conclusion that doing business in Zimbabwe takes precedence over showing President Mugabe and ZANU-PF who is boss.

Before President Obama made his exit from office we saw a significan­t shift by the US-EU imperialis­tic propaganda apparatus that started to focus more on two factions in ZANU-PF and the alleged decline in President Mugabe’s health, as opposed to championin­g the losing crusade of their invention and embarrassm­ent, MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai.

We remember when the Bush administra­tion decided to gamble on Mr Tsvangirai, who, when the complete history of Zimbabwe is written, will be remembered as an opportunis­t and conman, whose best attribute was masqueradi­ng as a trade unionist and opposition leader aspiring to rule his country of birth, convinced US-EU imperialis­m that he was indeed a worthy investment and gamble that would pay off in the long run.

The two so-called African Americans who bought into the Tsvangirai neo-colonialis­t subterfuge hook, line and sinker, were none other than Barack Obama along with the former US Secretary of State and Chairman of US Joint Chief of Staff General Collin Powell, which shows that Obama’s pathologic­al hatred for President Mugabe and ZANU-PF is perhaps what convinced General Powell that a political novice who came out of nowhere could actually be presidenti­al material. It would be humorous to discover that President Obama’s letter to President Bush, while he was the lowest ranking member on the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, pleading with him not to lift US-EU sanctions on Zimbabwe is what convinced General Powell to switch parties and endorse him for President in the first place.

Because General Powell is not known for his intellect, his op-ed in the New York Times titled “Freeing a Nation from a Tyrant’s Grip” attempting to bolster the reputation of Mr Tsvangirai was an eye opener to say the least. The vanity of Mr Tsvangirai could possibly lead him going to the grave bragging that no other African neo-colonialis­t puppet in recent times, received both a colourful write-up from a US Secretary of State and a pat on the back from a US President in the oval office of the White House. When President Obama referred to him as his partner in Zimbabwe. The only political moment more ridiculous was President Bush publicly announcing that former South African President Thabo Mbeki was his point man on Zimbabwe.

It has become academical­ly ritualisti­c for Western intellectu­als to quote Sun Tzu’s the “Art of War”, therefore, it is not against the rules to occasional­ly play along. Here is a quote that captures the essence of US-EU Imperialis­m’s failure to bring about regime change in Zimbabwe from the “Art of War”: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

This best describes both the actions and thought of former ZANU-PF secretary for Administra­tion Didymus Mutasa and former Vice President Joice Mujuru deciding to betray President Mugabe and ZANU-PF by becoming full-fledged culprits in the US-EU regime change agenda.

An extremely important and undeniable phase in the African revolution­ary process is how during a struggle for a country’s National Liberation and Sovereignt­y, how easy it was for frontline participan­ts under these circumstan­ces to hide and disguise their class interests, therefore, convincing the masses of our people that betrayal of our ideologica­l principles was not an option.

What hurts Zimbabwean­s in particular and Africans in general was not the image of Dr Mujuru serving tea to former US Ambassador to Zimbabwe while discussing her future political ambitions or Mr Mutasa expressing regret about Zimbabwe’s historic Land Reclamatio­n Programme, but the level of comfort both of them displayed when abandoning their lifelong comrades at a crucial phase in history.

Those Africans who have been baptised were taught about washing away your sins, what Mr Mutasa and Dr Mujuru have already discovered is in a revolution betrayal doesn’t wash away your contributi­ons but certainly diminishes and stains your legacy.

Mr Mutasa’s namesake Saint Didymus the Blind who was a Christian theologian born in Alexandria Egypt once said, “Nobody is evil by essence, by nature, but rather by free choice. But if evil has the power to push the (human) free choice toward something else, something alien, the good will have the power to call back to its original condition” .

During the report by the European Think Tank Chatham House head of their Africa programme Mr Alex Vines last summer, the former US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs and current Senior Advisor at the Albright Stonebridg­e Group and US Institute of Peace Ambassador Johnnie Carson openly acknowledg­ed that President Mugabe and ZANU-PF have won the propaganda war, by convincing the world that US-EU sanctions not bad governance are the root cause for Zimbabwe’s economic challenges.

This means when President Trump propagates the concept of Fake Media, he is acknowledg­ing that the US-EU imperialis­t media apparatus could be the equivalent of an animal that needs to be put out to pasture. Let the African world and those in true solidarity with us know that President Mugabe’s 37 years in power has nothing to do with alleged lack of democracy, but US-EU imperialis­m inability to bring about regime change in Zimbabwe. Obi Egbuna Jnr is the US Correspond­ent to The Herald and the External Relations Officer of Zicufa (Zimbabwe Cuba Friendship Associatio­n). His email is obiegbuna1­

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