The Herald (Zimbabwe)

When God changes script


Deuteronom­y 31 vs 8; “And the Lord, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.”

EVERY soccer fan watched a very famous tournament final a year ago. The air was full of expectatio­n, the world’s best player would take centre stage. Just like he had done before throughout the tournament, he stepped on to the pitch ready to lead his team to a much expected victory under his guidance and leadership.

Twenty minutes into the match the unthinkabl­e happened, the inspiratio­nal leader was knocked down and injured. The world watched in shock and horror and waited with for his fate to be decided. Everyone’s worst fear came true, he was taken off the field and substitute­d.

Hearts sank, it seemed like it was over for the team, and everyone thought their dream of winning the tournament had just come to an end. The match dragged on with many of the supporters having lost hope. A few minutes before the end of the game the unexpected happened, without their captain his team mates stepped up to the challenge, they scored and they won.

Whether they fought hard to win because they felt a debt of obligation to their captain or they gave their utmost best and beat the odds, we will never really know, but they did it, they emerged victorious.

Life is like that, although the script won’t always follow the sequence we want it to, always trust that the Lord will grant you victory despite the odds or the altered circumstan­ces.

Has the course of your life changed, or you are facing an unforeseen obstacle and you have lost hope? Are you at the point where you think you can’t finish the race? Trust in Him, through His grace he will author it such that you finish and attain the victory that you have set your sights on. Don’t lose hope, God will see you through. Be Blessed. REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS ...

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