The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Kasukuwere stay out of Women’s League issues


EDITOR. — Now I do understand why they call Zanu-PF national secretary for the commissari­at Saviour Kasukuwere, Tyson. He is a bull in a China shop. He had the audacity to go to the Press to tell the Women’s League that he was no pushover, that he was not like Dr (Joice) Mujuru.

This was in the face of demonstrat­ions against the erstwhile Women’s League national executive members Eunice Sandi-Moyo (deputy national secretary) and Sarah Mahoka (treasurer).

The demonstrat­ions were a Women’s League programme, but somehow Kasukuwere and company were caught trying to derail the demonstrat­ions.

Instead of just explaining himself out of the whole saga, Kasukuwere took it a gear up by threatenin­g those accusing him that he was no pushover, like Mai Mujuru.

I really don’t know whether it is bravery or stupidity.

The Women’s League was led events leading to the expulsion of Dr Mujuru from Zanu-PF.

And Kasukuwere claims he cannot be pushed out the Mai Mujuru way. We wait to see how the League reacts to this open challenge, cleverly packaged as a remark directed at the media.

People are not fools and I believe members of the Women’s League are not that foolish either.

Kasukuwere, I think this time you have just taken it too far.

Zanu-PF is a very big and formidable institutio­n, no individual is bigger than the party or any one of its structures, but you, an appointee of the President, both in the Politburo and Government, seem to think otherwise. T. Gutu, Via email.

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