The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Who are you?


1 Corinthian­s 11 vs 28 “But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.”

Knowing oneself is probably one of the most important things one can do in the journey of life.

Everyone wonders who they are at some point in their life.

It begins with knowing your strengths and weaknesses, your fears, what irks you and what makes you happy.

Sadly, a lot of people go through life never having fully discovered themselves.

For a truthful look at who you are you must look into the Bible and use God’s word as a mirror to truly understand yourself.

Quiet time filled with prayer, meditation and reading is one of the surest ways of self-discovery.

As you get to know yourself it becomes easier to deal with the things that are thrown at you.

Just sitting in silence, finding solace in the moment and wrestling with thoughts in your mind is something very profound that we often take for granted.

May the Lord grant you your heart’s desires but more importantl­y may He grant you the ability to know yourself and help you master the elements of living life through your own eyes rather than through His grace and mercy. Be blessed! REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS ... For More Info: Visit our website: Email us on Catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours.

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