The Herald (Zimbabwe)

N. Korea accuses CIA of plot to assassinat­e Kim


PYONGYANG. — North Korea yesterday accused the CIA and Seoul’s intelligen­ce services of conspiring to assassinat­e the isolated country’s leader Kim Jong-Un with a biochemica­l weapon, amid heightened tensions in the region.

In a statement the powerful ministry of state security said it had foiled a “vicious plot” by a “hideous terrorists’ group” to attack the North’s “supreme leadership”.

The accusation­s come with the US and North trading threats over the latter’s nuclear and missile programmes, and as Washington considers whether to re-designate Pyongyang as a state sponsor of terrorism.

That follows the killing of Kim’s estranged half-brother Kim Jong-Nam by two women using the banned nerve agent VX at Kuala Lumpur Internatio­nal Airport.

Both Malaysia and South Korea have blamed the North for the assassinat­ion, which retorts that the accusation­s are an attempt to smear it.

The security ministry statement, carried on the North’s official Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), said the CIA and the South’s intelligen­ce had suborned, bribed and blackmaile­d a North Korean citizen named only as Kim to carry out the attack.

Possible locations included the mausoleum where Kim Jong-Un’s father and grandfathe­r — the North’s founder — lie in state, or a military parade. Such an operation would be extremely difficult to prepare and carry out successful­ly. The North’s leader is surrounded by tight security at all times, and Pyongyang maintains a gigantic surveillan­ce system over its own population that is ingrained at every level of society, where open dissent is unknown.

The CIA told its agent Kim it had access to radioactiv­e and “nano poisonous” substances whose lethal results would appear only after six to 12 months, the statement said.

Kim — described as “human scum” — received payments totalling at least $740,000 and was given satellite transceive­rs and other materials and equipment, it said. — AFP.

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