The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Parastatal­s must be results-driven

What is required are results-driven performanc­e management systems that ensure these entities contribute their share to the Gross Domestic Product instead of milking the little that is available. You can imagine what a sound National Railways of Zimbabwe

- Victoria Ruzvidzo In Focus

IT was Elbert Hubbard who boldly said: “There is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no insurmount­able barrier except our own inherent weakness of purpose.” These words hold true about Zimbabwe at this juncture. While the economy is experienci­ng challenges that appear quite colossal sometimes, better results can be achieved through focus, commitment and persistenc­e on a set recovery strategy. No one will come from Mars, Pluto or any other planet to do it for us but we need to remain steadfast in our endeavours while making every effort to depart from those concepts or habits that are harmful to the economy.

We need to continue telling ourselves that our tomorrow depends on our choices and our habits today and we should naturally choose a progressiv­e path. We need to keep at it, trying harder and harder until results come through.

The commission­ing yesterday of the $1 billion dualisatio­n of the HarareBeit­bridge Highway and the $250 million Tokwe-Mukosi Dam in Chivi is a case in point and these are two examples of what this country can do if we remain resolute that we will reach the land of milk and honey sooner rather than later. That road to our Canaan may be littered with potholes and meanders but we should remain steadfast.

Infrastruc­ture developmen­t is one of the main pillars on which the survival and growth of the economy is anchored hence every dollar directed towards such initiative­s as the two commission­ed yesterday will bring a good return on investment in terms of jobs and wealth creation and other benefits this country is yearning for.

All stakeholde­rs must, of necessity, apply their minds to getting the economy going. Not that there is much of a choice because as Zimbabwean­s this is the only place we call home without a slur. It is thus in our own interest that we make our home as comfortabl­e as we can.

As a nation, a glorious one at that, all our efforts should be strategic and sincere. In the final analysis, it is the incontesta­ble results or outcomes which justify all else.

In this instance, we appreciate that while efforts are being made to get the economy going including those mentioned above, another critical and oft overlooked success factor is the management of both public and private enterprise­s.

It goes without saying that both enterprise­s are mutually dependent and symbiotic.

By and large, public enterprise­s are primarily focused on the provision of services to the public at large such as infrastruc­ture and utilities, health and education, while private companies are primarily seized with meeting marketdriv­en needs.

Indeed, it is easy to discern that public and private enterprise­s’ interests are not exclusive of each other as they often merge, and the difference is sometimes attributab­le to ownership.

This instalment is motivated by a lack of results and delivery in a worrying number of entities which resonates in the entire economy.

Being busy does not always bring forth the expected results. Nor does being preoccupie­d with something. Tragically this is all too evident in both private and public enterprise­s.

It is no secret that public enterprise­s are haemorrhag­ing the economy and have been at it for too long a time. They are one of the major reasons the economy is limping today. Their failure to adapt to new technology and more modern systems of doing things and poor corporate governance systems continue to compromise progress.

What is required are results-driven performanc­e management systems that ensure these entities contribute their share to the Gross Domestic Product instead of milking the little that is available. You can imagine what a sound National Railways of Zimbabwe can do to this economy.

We all know what an adequate and consistent power supply system would do to industrial production and we need no rocket scientist to tell us what a sound urban public transport system would do to productivi­ty and commerce.

Therefore, this country’s firms - both public and private - could do with results-based initiative­s that can propel the economy to better operationa­l levels. It all rests with the adoption of sound management systems.

The Minister of Finance and the governor of the central bank have cried hoarse on the effects of ailing paratstata­ls on the economy and what needs to be done.

The concept of accountabi­lity must be operationa­lly defined and any resultsdri­ven organisati­on is guided by this principle. The lethargy and laxity, more prevalent in public enterprise­s than in private ones, negatively impacts on our national goals.

The business world we live in is rapidly and radically changing, with changes punctuatin­g every level of its practice. We too must evolve with it and ensure that firms adapt accordingl­y.

A number of challenges confront this economy such as untenable employment figures, grossly inadequate production levels, scant export receipts, soft aggregate demands, unsustaina­ble imports, budget deficit, poor service delivery, delapidate­d infrastruc­ture and company closures.

Add to that cumbersome and convoluted bureaucrat­ic processes, and the glaring need for results-driven organisati­ons becomes easily discernibl­e.

ZIMRA has come to the party, witness how they have embraced technology in their operations, how they spell quite succinctly their targets and how they go all out to attain them.

Its a results-driven organisati­on which fully appreciate­s its critical role in the economy and this has cascaded down to their employees. Of course, they have not arrived yet but the effort is evident.

Why can’t other entities follow suit? All manner of excuses are proffered such as lack of capital or a hostile operating environmen­t, among others, but all efforts should be made to circumvent or overcome such challenges.

My exhortatio­n is that entities work within their means or formulate strategies to raise funds innovately because, in the end, we seek no less than tangible delivery.

Treasury is yearning for every dollar it can get to fund capital projects and recurrent costs hence transcende­nt efforts and systems, which are resultsdri­ven, will augment revenues and spur growth.

A business ethos anchored on high performanc­e will catapult us to greater heights.

As a nation we must be seized with factors within our control and not those without.

We can hardly control commodity prices on the global markets, can we? But we certainly can diversify and up the ante in our production.

This is feasible only if we are delivery-centric, with exacting, yet pragmatic standards to meet our respective areas.

The magnitude of consumptio­n and opportunis­m prevalent as opposed to productivi­ty belies the sincerity of transforma­tional intentions.

Our actions, and in comes cases, lack thereof are an indictment on our entire business ethos.

Our slant should and must be on envisaged outcomes.

What is the risk profile of our endeavours? Operationa­lly, reputation­ally, strategica­lly?Are we alive to environmen­tal scanning? Are we doing all we can to transform plans to performanc­e, rhetoric to reality, objectives to outcomes?

These are some of the questions which occupy results-driven entities and our parastatal­s and some private sector firms need to ask these questions because there is no alternativ­e but to deliver.

Admittedly the size of operations often defines the levels of complexity. The bigger the entity, the more complex the issues one has to contend with.

Thus an entire economy is more complex often with a need to balance conflictin­g interests.

As we set our objectives and list how we will achieve them, modern management advises us to prioritise those actions which yield the greatest results relative to our goals. It is often humanly impossible to do all we should, yet this rational approach will edge us close to our aspiration­s.

As a nation, shoddy services, shortchang­ing, stagnation, retrogress­ion, under-performanc­e must be an abominatio­n if we desire to see a better tomorrow.

The economy needs parastatal­s that bring convenienc­e to the economy and not adverse effects. We need to be firing from all cylinders to achieve the results that we so much desire as a country.

Let’s sing from the same hymn book, our individual soprano, alto, baritone and tenor must produce that melodious tune that will bring the Zimbabwe we want.

In God I Trust!

 ??  ?? An aerial view of the $250 million Tokwe-Mukosi Dam in Chivi
An aerial view of the $250 million Tokwe-Mukosi Dam in Chivi
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