The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.


Response to “New law to beef up child rights”

This is one positive thing that needs to be appreciate­d. The swiftness with which Government has moved to amend and improve laws that protect children is quite commendabl­e. Well done! — @vnemaz.

Response to “City bigwigs in court for $35m fraud”

The biggest cancer in the Public Sector is that of nepotism where heads of department­s and public institutio­ns are so related to wilfully be corrupt and when time comes, protect one another. — @mandycee.

Government systems in the public sector must be improved to avoid fraud and corruption. If systems are robust and effective, it becomes easier to convict suspects, who may try to use their constituti­onal rights to protect their evils. — @chiteponm.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Tilda show airs in court” Technicall­y, Tilda is correct. It’s not a case where one forces themselves on another in a sexual act without the other’s consent, rape? We are not told of any use of force or threats here. The chap simply took advantage of their staggering level of gullibilit­y. No one would condone what the “pastor” did, but unless there is more informatio­n than we have been told so far, it seems more a matter of unethical or immoral behaviour than a criminal act. — Adago.

Response to “Majongwe tips President”

No amount of political distortion will earn you votes in 2018. Get real and prepare for elections. The people will decide, not on social media. ZANU-PF will win hands down against all stooge political parties. — Cde Muzvinavhu.

The majority of Zimbabwean­s have good political eyes to see and continue to support ZANU-PF to the chagrin of all stooges in Zimbabwe. The people have accepted the suffering as the price to pay to achieve economic democracy. We are closer to winning the economic war. — Zimbotry.

Response to “Tsvangirai threatens to unleash violence”

The sooner all stooges understand that ZANU-PF will continue governing, the wiser they will be. It’s clear that the lack of practical unity among the opposition political mongrels is indeed God’s design and wish in our motherland. We can clearly see that these stooges will not unite, but keep on barking coalition hogwash while they languish in eternal opposition politics. — menace.ii.society.

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Systems must be put in place in the public sector to pick fraud and corruption early for effective prosecutio­n. — Tatenda Muketiwa, Harare.

The road rehabilita­tion programme that is underway is welcome. This will go a long way in reducing the rate of accidents and improving the transport network. I just hope the programme will be extended to all deserving areas nationwide. — Lawrence “The penpusher” Moyo.

I encourage today’s youths to also have commitment in whatever they will be doing. I think all the kids that are growing up need to be taught about the history of their country so that they understand what it took for us to be where we are today as a nation. Knowledge on the liberation struggle will encourage patriotism so that we can push our country forward. — Farai Chisango, Harare.

Allow me to appeal to the Government to closely monitor these command programmes to instil confidence in the agricultur­e sector. One good thing is that these programmes are going to boost our economy and as such they should be monitored carefully. — Tonderai Harutsanye, Harare.

Violence mustn’t be tolerated in our polity. People should battle with ideas not fighting. Police should arrest those who perpetrate violence in communitie­s. We want elections to be peaceful. Tsvangirai must not promote violence. He knows he will not win in 2018. — Fidelis.

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