The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

Response to “Government creates 2,2m jobs”

Government is putting enablers to industrial and agricultur­al growth and the evidence is before us all. Command Agricultur­e will increase supply of raw materials to the resuscitat­ed industries and the multiplier effect in the downstream industries. Command Agricultur­e has got a huge ripple effect in terms of job creation. — @mudimutamu­ka.


We may criticise the new farmers for failing to produce, but the truth is that no farmer succeeds without help from government. Even during the colonial period records show that new white farmers received a lot of assistance from the colonial government for them to find their feet. I hope the Government has done thorough end-to-end planning from resourcing through to the issue of markets. — @stephdzing­ai.


Response to “Zim faces massive load-shedding

This is a great opportunit­y to start businesses and trade in the energy sector. Let’s work together to alleviate electricit­y shortages. — @vnemaz.


Response to “Drunk cop to face the music”

The poor guy needs assistance. I believe ZRP have AEP programme in place, which they need to refer him for assistance. There might be other major underlying problems resulting in the poor guy turning to alcohol. — @silasdeya.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response on “Drunk cop to face the music”

I suggest that it was good to first hear the reason behind such an act. Most guys in the military and police forces have some psychologi­cal and emotional problems because of the transition of lifestyle from being a civilian to law enforcemen­t personnel during training. So, instead of setting a punishment beforehand, more needs to be done within those organisati­ons to avoid such acts. — Abel Chihakase.


Yes he could have violated the Police Act. I am not coming to his defence, but this officer on that video was not carrying any bottles to suggest what kind of drinks he was taking. Criminals can as well put drugs in drinks if left unattended in this event they will be after fixing the officer. — Simbayi Kaseke.


Responses to “Lameck’s recent video” Lameck is now a brand. — Chris Tina.


Wow he is helping even abused men. I like that. — Phillipa Chikuni Moyo.

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A friend of mine successful­ly grew tobacco in rural Gokwe, sold it and realised good money. The myth that tobacco does not do well in Gokwe and other southern regions is just that, a myth. So there you are, farmers in Masvingo, Binga, Gwanda and Chiredzi should start experiment­ing with tobacco, the quickest way to uplift rural communitie­s. The quality of rural lives in tobacco growing areas of Zimbabwe has undeniably improved. Cars and motorbikes are now common and the home structures portray modern communitie­s. Instead of risking life and limb jumping borders, our youths must consider taking up farming. Land is wealth. — Thomas Murisa, Harare.


One senator got it right, doing away with School Developmen­t Committees is likely to lower standards in schools. The problem is not the SDAs, but the “gold fingers” among members of the SDAs. Authoritie­s must come up with credible ways and systems to keep an eye on how funds are kept and used by the SDAs. A transparen­t document trail must be put in place to avoid leakages and insider loans. It may be necessary to appoint an internal auditor for every 100 schools. Abolishing the SDAs will slow down developmen­t as a result of red tape and misplaced priorities in resource allocation­s. With SDAs in place, decisions are quickly made and implemente­d without delay. So Government mustn’t give up on a noble idea which has been working. — TM, Harare.

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