The Herald (Zimbabwe)

How Mawarire hijacked, trivialise­d students’ cause

- ◆ Blessing ‘Vuvuzela’ Vava is a political commentato­r and blogger. This piece has been reproduced with his permission. Blessing Vava Correspond­ent

“STUDENT activism is a highly conflict-filled terrain with very passionate individual­s and groups involved’’ said one scholar, (Moyo: 2013) in his journal article as he looked at the relationsh­ip between politics and student activism. In many parts of the world students protests have been a catalyst for change and in some instances causing the collapse of unpopular regimes.

In his paper (Moyo: 2013) concedes that while student activism has been highly associated with social and political change and as a form of affirmativ­e action it has been demonised by government­s.

While students have been able to articulate and fight their struggles, against high tuition fees and in many instances it is the fight for free education there has been a concern of those genuine struggles by the students being hijacked by political figures and parties.

It is important to note that the issues driving the student anger and rebellion go far beyond the unaffordab­ility of higher education for the poor and the working class. It is having to slot into an education system that emulates the society we live in — an elite ruling class sending its children to study abroad and the perpetuati­on of inequality and prejudice against the financiall­y weak.

In the same vein, politician­s should leave students alone and equally students need to be careful on the pitfalls of having their issues drowned by those of politician­s. Whereas students have the right to freedom of associatio­n the events at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) this week are surely a cause for concern.

I watched in disbelief as the so-called #ThisFlag leader Evan Mawarire streamed live on his Facebook wall while he addressed the demonstrat­ing students. At that moment I realised that the presence of Mawarire was a tactical blunder.

Mawarire, a non-student, a man currently on bail on charges of subverting a constituti­onally elected government addressing students already sent a wrong signal. He had no business at UZ, his actions might have been ‘genuine’ but I wouldn’t want to say here was a man on an attention seeking adventure to revive his waning popularity after a self-inflicted blow when he fled to the US.

His subsequent arrest immediatel­y dominating the news, diluting the genuine efforts by the students who were seeking an audience with regards to the fee increase. The clashes at UZ could have been avoided had Mawarire stayed at home to ‘pray’ for the students. We must always look at the bigger picture and avoid individual­s with selfish agendas to override a genuine cause of the students.

For him he has ‘achieved’ to gain mileage, it’s like he was trying to a ‘re-entry’ after his movement failed to take off. And for the students, they remain to face their challenges.

I am sure those who reacted violently were as a result of Mawarire’s presence which probably was viewed as a #ThisFlag protest. While it is good for people like Mawarire to offer solidarity he was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

I have nothing personal against the ‘Man of God’, but ‘politician­s’ and ‘celebritie­s’ must stay away from campuses, they should fight in the streets. Let the students fight their struggles on their campuses, there are many ways of offering them solidarity than to hijack their noble cause simply because of an insatiable appetite for newspaper headlines. Students should be wary of associatin­g with figures that will do little in contributi­ng to their struggles.

As a result, looking back, history is pregnant with numerous examples and lessons, which the students can learn from in as far as the relationsh­ip between student activism and mainstream politics is concerned. Many will remember Zanu-PF’s ‘hijacking’ of the Zimbabwe Congress of Students Union (Zicosu), which was formed by progressiv­e comrades like Gabriel Shumba led to its decline.

The same can also be said for the opposition MDC which tried in vain to hijack the biggest students’ body, the Zimbabwe National Students Union, and clearly, the agenda was the same, but rather the party eventually failed in its futile attempt years to come.

However, many will recall that the formation of the MDC was the turning point in the struggles of the student’s movement in Zimbabwe.

While the students were a critical mass at the formation of the MDC in 1999, the students movement failed to maintain its independen­ce and as a result perceived as either an appendage or rather an opposition movement towards the government of the day which then created a host of problems that came to haunt the students movement up until this day.

It would be critical to posit that after the formation of the MDC, the relationsh­ip between the students’ movement and the party intensifie­d the cat-and-mouse relationsh­ip between the ruling government and the students’ movement.

The ‘associatio­n’ of Zinasu with the MDC gave the State more arsenal and artillery to pounce on the students as it perceived the union as agents of regime change.

The State became more vicious towards the students, demonstrat­ions were now being responded to with brute force, suspension­s and expulsions of student leaders became the order of the day.

The Government no longer viewed the students union as a critical stakeholde­r but rather in Zinasu they saw the MDC, and to make matters worse, the idea to help form the party was consummate­d in the packed New Lecture Theatre 400 at the University of Zimbabwe.

The MDC tag has caused nightmares for the union and has been difficult to disassocia­te with, thus making life difficult for the students union in pursuit of their struggle for academic freedoms.

Consequent­ly, for the political parties, the students’ community is an easy ground to use for their political expediency.

Regional experience­s presented us with good examples on the need for politician­s to stay out and students to avoid being hijacked.

As was witnessed during #feesmustfa­ll in South Africa where several political actors tried to seek relevance by joining the student’s protests.

Many will remember the DA leader Mmusi Maimane and EFF’s Floyd Shivambu getting the rod of the students after attempts to address the protesting students in Cape Town.

It was apparent that the students cannot be politicall­y controlled, bullied or manipulate­d.

It was clear that these politician­s were driven not by the cause of the students, but rather their own selfish agendas as they seek relevance in associatin­g themselves with a movement that had shaken the corridors of power in South Africa.

Other national political party leaders could face the same humiliatio­n if they try to exploit the situation.

Quite clearly, the students were aware that once they allowed the politician­s to come and address them at campuses their cause was going to be diluted and misconstru­ed and giving ammunition to the ruling government to dismiss their cause as being pushed by the opposition parties.

In conclusion, I challenge the students to think beyond the tactics that the yesteryear generation­s employed because the context and the environmen­t has totally changed.

They have to come up with new ideas of organising and defining solidarity in pursuit of the struggle for free education in our lifetime. Zvazviri!

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