The Herald (Zimbabwe)


- Crime Reporter

FOUR armed robbers mistakenly shot and killed their colleague after raiding Banket Farmers’ Centre during a botched robbery.

Police in Chinhoyi have since launched a manhunt for the four armed robbers who left their dead colleague at the scene.

Sources close to investigat­ions said the robbers mistakenly killed their colleague in a dark warehouse they had invaded before bolting out after they had attacked two security guards with knives and machetes.

It is reported that the robbers fled the scene after one of them realised he had aimed his weapon at a colleague.

The dead robber has not been identified and police are calling on members of the public who are missing a male relative aged between 30 and 35 to go and identify him at Banket Hospital mortuary.

Members of the public can also contact Detective Inspector Matova of CID Chinhoyi or the nearest police station.

The suspected armed robber was wearing a mask, ladies’ pantihose and gloves to avoid leaving prints.

Police have been for the past few months expressing concern over armed robbery cases and have been calling on members of the public to be wary of criminals who are raiding houses and business premises for cash.

Last month armed robbers reportedly pounced on two families in Harare and Bulawayo and got away with $35 000.

Police said they were worried about such cases as the robbers targeted individual­s who kept large sums of cash at home.

Early last month, a Harare couple lost $80 000 cash in Madokero suburb to armed robbers, as it emerged that businesspe­ople who do not bank their takings are being targeted by criminals.

The robbers trail their targets from areas around the city and pounce on them while opening the gates to their homes or at intersecti­ons.

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