The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Rapist dad jailed 18 years

- From George Maponga in MASVINGO

A 45-YEAR-OLD Bikita man, who raped his epileptic teenage daughter and denied the charge claiming he was impotent, has been sentenced to an effective 18 years in jail by a Masvingo magistrate.

The man from Mukanganwi communal lands was convicted of raping his 13year-old daughter three times in August last year. The girl was in Grade 6. Regional magistrate Mrs Dambudzo Malunga sentenced the man to 20 years in jail and conditiona­lly suspended two years.

The man was convicted on overwhelmi­ng evidence.

In his defence, the man claimed impotency. He was taken to hospital for a medical examinatio­n to determine the authentici­ty of his claim but doctors said it was difficult to ascertain whether his claims were true.

The man claimed his daughter suffered hallucinat­ions and was framing charges against him as she was haunted by her late aunt’s spirit.

Prosecutin­g, Mr Liberty Hove convinced the court the man raped his daughter.

He said a stiffer penalty would deter would-be offenders.

Mr Hove said the man deserved to be severely punished for raping his daughter who looked up to him for protection as a father.

Agreed facts are that some time in June last year the man summoned his epileptic daughter in the evening and told her that he wanted to take her to a prophet to cure her “condition”.

Along the way, the man produced a knife and raped his daughter.

A few days later the man took advantage of his wife’s absence from home and pulled his daughter into his bedroom where he again raped her.

The girl fled home but the man followed her.

He found her wondering at a business centre in Bikita.

The man force-marched the girl home but raped her again along the way.

The girl later alerted her teacher leading to the father’s arrest.

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