The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Chinhoyi Caves: What a gem!

The beauty of Chirorodzi­va or Sleeping Pool is probably the colour the water assumes, dancing between ultramarin­e and cobalt blue, which makes the end product complete with the eerie stalactite­s, makes it look like a postimpres­sionist piece from the hands

- Robert Mukondiwa Senior Correspond­ent

THERE is an eerie beauty that surrounds the magic of Chinhoyi caves; itself a barely heralded gem that is one of the priceless adornments for Zimbabwe’s crown of tourist attraction­s. The Chinhoyi Caves, preserved for the land by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, is probably one of the rare places on earth where a tourist wonder gets one’s pulse racing because of a scary cocktail of both frightful, fearful flushes on one hand and positive excitement on the other.

“It is possibly Zimbabwe’s best kept secret and it is some place we want to encourage local visitors to travel to and experience.

“Better still, they can do so at our parks and wildlife sanctuarie­s on a kind budget to the pocket,” notes public relations boss for the authority, Tinashe Farawo. And he is right. Entry fees for locals are very kind and the sanctuary surroundin­g it is ideal for budget camping and family picnics and braais, all for a song.

With the myriad openings boring deep into the limestone and dolomite belly of Zimbabwe, even nature seems to conspire to hide the unique tourist spot.

A conspiracy of hiding a treasure from the eyes of the world.

Apart from the labyrinths so unique that even the inimitable fertility of J.K Rowling’s mind could not conjure up such visions, the epic beauty at the centre of it all, literally, is the Chirorodzi­va or Sleeping Pool.

The beauty of Chirorodzi­va or Sleeping Pool is probably the colour the water assumes, dancing between ultramarin­e and cobalt blue, which makes the end product complete with the eerie stalactite­s, makes it look like a post-impression­ist piece from the hands of Vincent Van Gogh.

Like fangs of some prehistori­c python, the stalactite­s are like upside down piers hanging from the roofs of the numerous caves that run like a stream beneath the earth forming Chinhoyi.

And none knows the beauty of the pool, the colour, or the never ending mystique of Chirorodzi­va than diver and diving instructor Paul Sparkes, popularly known as Sharky.

“I have dived into this pool (Chirorodzi­va) 1 500 times,” he says in a revelation that almost stops the heart.

Yet close to 2 000 dives into the beautiful belly of Chirorodzi­va, “Sharky” can never get enough of it. Nor does he claim to understand the mystery behind the aura that captivates one the millionth time they visit, which is equally heart stopping as the first time one lays eyes on the pond and labyrinth of Chinhoyi.

Taking one of his students on one of their “graduation” dives before they earn their diving certificat­e, Sharky is breathing evidence that the mysticism behind Chirorodzi­va is one that will never be disentangl­ed.

Not in our lifetime, nor a million lifetimes beyond.

And the fact that he keeps heeding the calls of the ancestors from of old to go back to the belly that is Chinhoyi Caves is evidence that the place will never lose its celebrated magnetic pull and lustre and is in fact a timeless artefact in the cabinet of the gods.

“It is a mysterious place and profoundly beautiful,” says Sharky like a 10-year-old making his first encounter with Chirorodzi­va, eyes sparkling like his surname!

Farawo concurs; “We want Zimbabwean­s to experience these gems. We as Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority are merely custodians and Zimbabwean­s as the owners should take time to visit what we are safeguardi­ng for them,” he implores.

And for adventurou­s Zimbabwean­s, the invitation is now open!

 ??  ?? This picture collage (from top left; clockwise) shows the mystic Chinhoyi Caves and the Chirorodzi­va (Sleeping Pool) which is popular for its cobalt blue waters. — (Pictures courtesy of Creative Commons)
This picture collage (from top left; clockwise) shows the mystic Chinhoyi Caves and the Chirorodzi­va (Sleeping Pool) which is popular for its cobalt blue waters. — (Pictures courtesy of Creative Commons)
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