The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Mombeshora reads riot act to illegal settlers

- Blessings Chidakwa Mash West Correspond­ent Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter

THE Minister of Lands and Rural Resettleme­nt Dr Douglas Mombeshora has read the riot act to youths invading farms and illegally setting up structures across Mashonalan­d West Province, saying such indiscipli­ne is unacceptab­le.

Addressing ZANU-PF party members during the Mashonalan­d West Provincial Coordinati­ng Committee (PCC) on Monday, Minister Mombeshora issued a stern warning to youths, who were illegally allocating themselves pieces of land in various farms across the province, saying they should stop immediatel­y or face prosecutio­n.

“Illegal settlers, mostly youths invading farms, should stop that exercise,” he said.

Minister Mombeshora, however, said youths were free to approach his office for proper allocation of land.

“As youths, search for an appropriat­e NORTON Member of Parliament Mr Temba Mliswa’s double standards have been exposed after making a major climbdown on the conditions of service for legislator­s where he has of late been vocal demanding that legislator­s should get their full benefits, despite his initial refusal to take delivery of a parliament­ary vehicle three years ago.

Mr Mliswa has of late been leading the disruption of parliament­ary business to force the Executive to accede to their demands to be paid sitting allowances and Constituen­cy Developmen­t Fund.

Last Wednesday, Mr Mliswa had to be ejected from Parliament chamber for disorderly conduct after he traded accusation­s with Harare South MP Cde Shadreck Mashayamom­be (Zanu-PF) whom he heckled after he implored fellow legislator­s to be piece of land, which you think can be suitable for you, and approach Government, it will assist you to take ownership of that land lawfully,” he said.

Dr Mombeshora warned people occupying rural State land without lawful authority that they were committing serious crimes.

Mashonalan­d West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Cde Webster Shamu also noted that those failing to vacate illegally occupied land will be evicted and prosecuted.

“Youths, let’s stop illegal settling. MaYouths agere kumafuro emombe ngavabve izvozvi kugare kuri ready for cattle. Such indiscipli­ne is unacceptab­le,” he said.

The warning comes amid reports that youths continue occupying undesignat­ed rural State land, with some being duped of their hard-earned cash by land barons who promise to protect them.

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