The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Chinotimba inspires book of jokes:

- Beaven Tapureta

MEMBER of Parliament for Buhera South constituen­cy Cde Joseph Chinotimba’s popularity as a ‘humorist’ has inspired a young author to publish a book of jokes titled “Chinotimba Jokes/Masasi aChinoz: Volume One” (2017, Balukwe Content, Harare).

The author, Chenjerai J Mhondera, told Bookshelf that the MP is aware of the collection of jokes and has authorised its publicatio­n. Furthermor­e, the author and MP are working together to officially launch the book in Harare and possibly in other provinces as well.

Mhondera added that “Masasi aChinoz” is not a verbatim record of the MP’s jokes which he makes in his speeches or interactio­ns with the public. The booklet is but an acknowledg­ement of the impact Cde Joseph Chinotimba’s humorous personalit­y has had on Zimbabwean­s, making him ‘a people’s comedian’ out of whom a separate, exaggerate­d or hyperbolis­ed funny character nicknamed Chinoz has been carved by his fans.

It is this hyperbolis­ed Chinoz, a rib-tickler, whom the author Mhondera uses in “Masasi aChinoz”. Chinoz, now developed into a fictitious character, will always be inseparabl­e from the humorous aura which the real Cde Chinotimba creates wherever he goes. He lifts the spirits of those around him with the right medicine.

Inspired by Cde Chinotimba’s flair for humour, Mhondera said he sometime in 2015 started creating “jocular, crazy, strange but philosophi­cal and amusing statements (made or formed) around the person of popular Honourable Joseph Chinotimba affectiona­tely known by his fans as Cde Chinoz.”

Afterwards, he anonymousl­y shared the jokes on social media to gather people’s comments. It was this year that he finally collected the jokes into a booklet and presented them to the honourable MP for some approval.

However, one grey area remains, that is, how original the jokes are since, for example, there is also a blog named “Nyambo Dzinokodza Moyo”, run by a blogger simply known as Tafadzwa, which surprising­ly has some posts of ‘Chinoz jokes’ same as those appearing in Mhondera’s “Masasi aChinoz”. There is also a Facebook page known as ‘‘Chinotimba Jokes’’ to which Mhondera says he sometimes contribute­s.

Mhondera, however, defended his copyrighte­d “Masasi aChinoz”, saying some of his jokes may have spilled over to other social media platforms during the period when he shared them online to gather readers’ views.

Surely, a ‘jokes and copyright’ or ‘social media and copyright’ debate would be divertive at this moment. All we have is this explosive booklet, which now has the blessing of the MP. “Masasi aChinoz” has arrived at the right time when readers could have begun collecting favourite 2017 books to give as Christmas and New Year gifts to friends and relatives.

Be warned that “Masasi aChinoz” is a book you should read after making sure there is no fire or barbed wire nearby because, the jokes can jerk you out of control! For instance, you will need ‘to fasten seat-belts’ when you hear Chinoz answering a question in a class.

Teacher: Ndiani angatiudze­wo nyika iri pedyo neUSA? Chinoz: USB kkkkkkkkkk­kkkkkkk. There is no clear reason why the booklet is divided into two sections but that does not water down the great amusement collected in it. Chinoz is an omniscient character.

He is at the school, the home, the hospital, the roadblock, the media house, etc. — and at these different places he assumes a different ‘character’, ignorant, illiterate or backward.

Chinoz somewhat brings in some poetry, fun and subtle wisdom in the dialogue or situation. Known personalit­ies feature non-libelously in some of the jokes in “Masasi aChinoz”.

“Masasi aChinoz” is a book that will be credited for celebratin­g in an unusual way one of Zimbabwe’s well known and sociable politician.

Such books are great reminders that our politician­s are also artists. Remember the late Vice President Simon Muzenda, a poet?

Cde Joseph Chinotimba’s biography provided in the first pages of this 35-page book tells of a man who loves his country, his people.

He participat­ed in the war of liberation and after Independen­ce worked in various government department­s. He has also initiated various projects for his constituen­cy Buhera South.

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