The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Traditiona­l leaders endorse President

- Herald Reporter

TRADITIONA­L leaders in Nyanga have welcomed the new political order that has brought in President Emmerson Mnangagwa as President and are hopeful that the country is destined for glory.

The traditiona­l leaders were speaking at a meeting with National Assembly member Supa Mandiwanzi­ra over the weekend after he briefed them on the new dispensati­on following the interventi­on by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces under “Operation Restore Legacy” .

The operation saw then President, Cde Robert Mugabe, stepping down.

Cde Mandiwanzi­ra, who is also Informatio­n Communicat­ion Technology and Cyber Security Minister, said there was need to move the country forward.

He said developmen­t was being stalled by some elements that surrounded the former President and had usurped his powers for their selfish gains.

He briefed traditiona­l leaders on how Operation Restore Legacy started.

“The former President was facing impeachmen­t and he resigned. That is what brought back President Mnangagwa to replace him.

“ZANU-PF took the matter to Parliament leading to the swearing-in of our new leader,” he said.

“So from the 24th of November, our President is Cde ED Mnangagwa. What happened, happened to restore the former President’s legacy because his legacy was now being tainted by those around him,” he said.

“The operation helped a lot. We now are hopeful things will change. We now have a new leader and what is really exciting about it is that the party is there with Cde Mnangagwa in charge,” said Cde Mandiwanzi­ra.

Traditiona­l leaders led by Headman SaMhembere said they were happy with the developmen­ts in ZANU-PF as they were not impressed with what was happening.

“People in villages did not know where the party was now heading to, but now we feel safe and happy. We want to thank you Honourable Mandiwanzi­ra for coming to tell us what is happening on the ground. We will take the word to the people and we really appreciate.

“The operation helped a lot and what we really appreciate is that ZANU-PF is now intact. We are more than happy that Cde Mnangagwa is in charge. What Cde Mandiwanzi­ra has done, coming here to tell us what is on the ground is important so that we go out there and tell the people and we start working.”

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President Mnangagwa
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