The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Go and register to vote, youths urged

- Blessings Chidakwa Hreald Correspond­ent

ZANU-PF leadership in Mashonalan­d West province has urged youths to register to vote as the Biometric Voter Registrati­on (BVR) process is now in its fourth and last phase.

In an interview, provincial youth chairperso­n Cde Vengai Musengi urged youths to take advantage of the mop-up exercise being done by Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to register to vote.

“As a party we urge youths who constitute the majority of (the population) countrywid­e to go and register to vote in their numbers as the BVR process is now in its final phase,” he said.

“They should take advantage of the mop-up exercise by ZEC where it is revisiting places around the province to target people who were left out during the first three phases.”

Cde Musengi took a swipe at youths who were used to fan divisions in the party.

“Difference­s sometimes occur in politics, but they should be constructi­ve not disruptive and we discourage those youths who are at the forefront of fanning divisions to desist from such practices,” he said.

“As youths, we must always remain a united front and avoid backbiting each other.”

Cde Musengi warned youths to distance themselves from fights among senior party members.

He said this in reference to ousted national youth leader Kudzanai Chipanga, who was furthering a G40 factional agenda.

“The agenda was mainly to destabilis­e the party from within and influence the sacking of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, then Vice President, from both party and Government to pave way for G40 kingpins,” he said.

Cde Musengi implored youths who got land to make full use of it.

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