The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘Zanu-PF to return to constituti­onalism’

ZANU-PF, emerging from a chaotic era where its constituti­on was being violated or disregarde­d for political expediency and arbitrary actions, is seeking a return to constituti­onalism to restore order and lay out procedures that ensure a harmonious, rules-


PM: Over a period of time, the constituti­on was being mutilated. I will give you a number of examples, the national political commissar (a position that was held by Saviour Kasukuwere) in his individual capacity has no disciplina­ry powers. If you go to our 2014 constituti­on which is the current constituti­on in place, he is but only one member of the disciplina­ry committee but Kasukuwere had ascribed himself power to suspend provincial chairmen. There is no provision for the dissolutio­n of a province in the constituti­on but he could just fire a chairman, dissolve a province, he could do whatever he felt like. That is why he ended up putting stooges and establishi­ng his own power base. I am going to bring it to the attention of the leadership that if we are to avoid falling into the chaos that characteri­sed the previous leadership, let’s start by taking measures to adhere to the constituti­on, putting into place structures that are in line with the provisions of the constituti­on not structures born out of personal preference­s. To start with, you have to train people to comply with the constituti­on. What I did recently was to call all vice chairperso­ns and train them on how to dispense justice and deal with disciplina­ry matters. Together with secretary for legal affairs, although not prescribed in the constituti­on, vice chairmen are supposed to be secretarie­s in the legal disciplina­ry committees. We had a workshop, where I had to take them through the constituti­on itself understand the provisions, timelines required to do disciplina­ry matters, how to prefer charges. We had to train them how to manage disciplina­ry issues in the provinces. This avoids arbitrary suspension­s and firing of one another which in the provinces was happening using the term redeployme­nt which does not exist in our constituti­on. Once the constituti­on is adhered to, there will be peace in the party and there will be no room for factionali­sm. TZ: How do you deal with parallel structures that were created by the former political commissar and will you not be creating room for further factionali­sm? And, are you not creating another avenue for disharmony in the provinces? PM: You have to understand that the position you are occupying had a rightful owner. It is like someone is unfairly dismissed from employment and then you are appointed to run his place. If he wins his appeal and the court says they must be reinstated you have to revert to your old position as they take over. They should wait for the next election if they want to contest for the positions. TZ: But the issue of constituti­onalism has been a problem in Zanu-PF and how do you get people to understand that processes must be followed? PM: My position is that the secretary for Legal Affairs must do his work. All disciplina­ry matters must come for confirmati­on to the National Disciplina­ry Committee. So the key role of my office is to ensure that whatever processes that may have taken place in subordinat­e organisati­ons are in full compliance with the constituti­on. Whenever they flout the constituti­on, we nullify the process. If we continue doing that over a period of time, they will know that due processes have to be followed. TZ: Another issue is the principle of one centre of power, I know that you are one of the people who were active in its drafting. How do you reconcile the new dispensati­on with that kind of provision? PM: The one centre of power principle basically says there must be leadership in a party, but power in terms of the resolution of the Central Committee is supposed to be exercised collective­ly. The thinking is that anybody who is appointed President must learn to work with the various committees created by the constituti­on. Although the constituti­on has provisions for the President to act, the expectatio­n is that first of all, he consults his Presidium. He also should work together with his Politburo and thirdly certain decisions must be approved by the Central Committee which is the highest policymaki­ng body. But that principle was abused whereby it seemed like the ex-President only consulted his wife. The central committee realised that there was abuse of the principle and it led to the dictatorsh­ip. In their meeting I think on November 19 it was done away with. That requires a change in the party constituti­on so that we don’t have a situation where the President does appointmen­ts on his own without regard to democratic principles of election. There has not been an agreement as to what does doing away with one centre of power may entail. In my view, it may be in the worst case scenario meaning that all positions in the party must be elected but now there was nothing wrong in the President appointing the Politburo. The politburo is the committee with which he implements the decisions of the party, what then went wrong was that the Politburo instead of being the implementi­ng body of Central Committee policies, it became more powerful than the Central Committee. The Politburo started making policies and changing the constituti­on at will, when the Central Committee was the one with the power to do so. TZ: Are we likely to see the Central Committee taking initiative to amend the constituti­on with respect to the one centre of

power principle? PM: Certainly, because the Congress resolved that we have to do away with the one centre of power. Although there was no explanatio­n, so internal processes have to take place as to what extent are we removing the one centre of power. We then also need to align the constituti­on of the party to the Constituti­on of the country, especially with regards to term limits. If the national constituti­on says a President shall be elected for two terms to run a country and if the party constituti­on says the party president elected at Congress is the Presidenti­al candidate you may have a situation where the party then elects a President who has served two terms who no longer qualifies to be national President. There is no harmony between the party constituti­on and the national Constituti­on. It is one area which needs to be revisited as to how you harmonise that. As the legal committee of the party, we are already seized with these matters. What we need is to create consensus with the top echelons of the party, make the proposals and then convince others including the President himself. TZ: There are other issues like the women’s quota. How alive are you to that matter? PM: Very much, I think that is the reason why Cde Oppah Muchinguri was appointed National Chairperso­n. It was in fulfilment of the quota system, basically the constituti­on says in the Presidium one of the positions must be occupied by a woman. The Zanu-PF Presidium is made up of the President, two Vice Presidents and the National Chairperso­n. So already that has been complied with. What we have to do is, going downwards the minimum in our party is that women must occupy at least 30 percent of positions. If it has to be increased to 50 percent, fine and good. TZ: Lastly, as constituti­onalism takes root, as you promise, in Zanu-PF can we expect the same from the Zanu-PF Government since people out there worry about a lot of issues, including human and property rights? PM: Once you adhere to the adoption of constituti­onalism and everything is subject to the tenets of the constituti­on and property rights are provided for in the national constituti­on in terms of Section 71 subject to certain conditions. But then Section 72 makes a provision to say where as far as land reform is concerned, that right can be taken away to satisfy the requiremen­ts of land distributi­on. As long as you are following the constituti­on then you are being constituti­onal. So far, the constituti­on of the country has been respected and I think this new Government has made an undertakin­g to follow the constituti­on and I see them going forward in that way.

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Cde Mangwana
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