The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Register to vote, Togarepi tells youths

- Andrew Muvishi Herald Reporter

ZANU-PF Secretary for Youth Affairs Cde Pupurai Togarepi yesterday urged young people to take advantage of the ongoing Biometric Voter Registrati­on (BVR) mop-up exercise to register for the forthcomin­g harmonised elections.

He said this while addressing members of the Children of Zimbabwe War Veterans Associatio­n (Cozwa) at Zanu-PF Headquarte­rs in Harare.

“Children of war veterans are also encouraged to register to vote in the ongoing Zimbabwe Electoral Commission voter registrati­on exercise, as well as to contest as MPs and even councillor­s because they have strong revolution­ary principles,” said Cde Togarepi.

War veterans, he said, were founders of the revolution and, as such, issues that dealt with their welfare had to be aligned to the Constituti­on.

“You need to form associatio­n structures in your zones and lead yourselves, not to have candidates imposed on you,” said Cde Togarepi.

“Choose each other well according to ability, not according to friendship. You have to preach principles of the revolution in your zones.”

Cde Togarepi urged youths to help guarantee the party’s victory during the forthcomin­g elections.

“Zanu-PF is born and founded on strong grounds, so our war vets’ children have principles of the revolution and we are not going to tolerate those who were not in line with the principles of the revolution, and those who despise the rights of war vets’ children,” he said.

Zanu-PF Harare youth chairperso­n Cde Godfrey Gomwe said the youths that will be chosen to lead the organs of the party should ensure that grievances of children of liberation war heroes were attended to.

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