The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘Govt reverts to servant type of leadership’

- Thupeyo Muleya Beitbridge Bureau

GOVERNMENT has reconfigur­ed the national administra­tion system from supremacy to a servant style of leadership to promote collective participat­ion of Zimbabwean­s in the country’s economic developmen­t, Acting President Kembo Mohadi has said.

He said it was very important for the country’s citizens to live in peace and work together in rebuilding the country’s image.

The Acting President was speaking during a party organised by Zanu PF Matebelela­nd South on Saturday to celebrate his elevation from a Cabinet minister to one of the country’s two Vice Presidents.

The celebratio­ns, which attracted close to 10 000 people from across the country, was held at Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechni­c in Gwanda.

“We need to build a positive image of our country. We have a new dispensati­on with a different outlook and we are re-configurin­g our approach to national matters,’’ said the Acting President.

“For us to move forward, it is important that we do away with the rulers’ syndrome and chart our path on a servant type of leadership.

“Already President (Emmerson) Mnangagwa has outlined the road map to economic recovery, which stresses the need for inclusivit­y.’’

The Acting President pointed out that everybody has a key role to play in rebuilding Zimbabwe into a prosperous nation.

“The fact that I am a Vice President does not mean that, one is a better citizen than anyone, it’s just that we have different assignment­s to bring prosperity to Zimbabwe,’’ he said.

The Acting President said the new administra­tion was willing to engage all those with an interest to move the country forward.

He reiterated that people should embrace a culture of peace and unity of purpose if Zimbabwe was to quickly achieve socio-economic transforma­tion.

“Recovering this economy is not an easy task, and hence we must all work hard as a unity and share ideas. There is nobody with a monopoly of ideas.

“You should be free to approach us as your leader and we are ready to listen to different perspectiv­es and great minds,” said Acting President Mohadi.

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