The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The true source of protection


Psalm 91 vs 4; “He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulne­ss will be your shield and rampart.” A FEW months ago as I sat in my office, I noticed that my desk started swaying from side to side. At first I thought maybe I was seeing things or I was unwell, but it then became clear that something was wrong, we were experienci­ng something unusual.

I quickly rushed out of my office and instructed the people I was with not to take the elevator, but to quickly leave the building using the staircase.

The emotion that instructed me to leave the building was really fear. For a few seconds I thought to myself, “I am fairly high up, if this building collapses that’s the end of me.” I had many a thought about the need to preserve my life. That very same emotion intuitivel­y told me to use the stairs rather than the elevator, lest I be trapped and something bad happens to me.

After reaching safety, I enquired from everyone whether they had experience­d what I had. Shortly after, our trusted mode of communicat­ion, social media, informed us that this was a tremor emanating from an earthquake that had occurred thousands of kilometres away and we were feeling the effects 15 hours later.

My desire to preserve life and find safety took centre stage. It’s really odd that the LORD calls us each day to a place of safety, but rather than find refuge in Him, we rush to the things of the world to seek protection, and only when we fail do we seek the LORD.

Seek the LORD with all your heart today. Regardless of what tremors may be occurring, He will protect you. He is the only true source of refuge. Though the walls may fall, your heart is what He desires to preserve. Seek Him today.

Be blessed.

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