The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zinwa owed more than $100m

- Conrad Mupesa in MHANGURA

THE Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) is owed over $100 million by water consumers, with Manyame Catchment area contributi­ng at least 11 percent of the outstandin­g bills.

Manyame covers parts of Mashonalan­d West Province that receive raw water and other related services from the Government department.

Zinwa spokespers­on Mrs Marjorie Munyonga said as at November 30, 2017, Manyame Catchment area owed more than $11,7 million, which represents 11 percent of the overall bill owed to Zinwa.

“As of November 30, 2017, clients under Manyame Catchment owed Zinwa $11 767 335, representi­ng 11 percent of the $108 414 657, the authority was owed by its clients countrywid­e,” she said.

“The figure represente­d what both clear and raw water clients owed.”

Despite the huge bill, Zinwa is still mandated to supply both clean and raw water to its clients.

The water management body is revamping Mhangura’s water reticulati­on system.

“The Zimbabwe National Water Authority took over the Mhangura water reticulati­on system in 2011 and since then, (it has) been carrying out works aimed not only at curbing the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera, but to ensure the overall improvemen­t of service to its clients in the former mining town,” said Mrs Munyonga.

Mhangura mining town is receiving nearly eight hours of water supplies a day, up from the previous three hours.

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