The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Adapt to change, farmers told

- Takudzwa Chiwerewes­he Manicaland Correspond­ent

FARMERS in Manicaland have been urged to stay abreast with technologi­cal, environmen­tal and economic developmen­ts, as well as to come up with initiative­s that will enhance the quantity and quality of their crop and significan­tly contribute to Zimbabwe’s agrobased economy.

In a speech read on her behalf by Brigadier-General Joel Muzvidziva during a field day at Dzingai Farm in Nyanga yesterday, Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs Monica Mutsvangwa (pictured left) said framers should align themselves with support programmes and organisati­ons so that they continuous­ly acquire the knowledge, supplies and products that have been designed for their use.

“Farmers require knowledge and training, as well as practices that are profitable, environmen­tally sound and contribute to the quality of the farmers’ lives, as well as the economic developmen­t of our agro-based economy; hence they need to affiliate themselves with the various family support systems and organisati­ons,” she said.

Minister Mutsvangwa advised farmers to equip themselves with skills that will help them adjust to climate change.

She reiterated the importance of knowledge about new farming practices and methods.

Minister Mutsvangwa commended SeedCo for its intensive investment in research and developmen­t, which has ensured that farmers received seeds that meet the requiremen­ts of different agro-ecological zones.

She cautioned farmers to be prudent in selecting crop seeds as they perform differentl­y depending on ecological zones.

“Having a good variety is one thing, and achieving higher yields requires more than a good selection of a seed variety,” said Minister Mutsvangwa. “The basic ingredient to achieving yields comes from having inputs on time and following a regime of good farming practices.”

Minister Mutsvangwa said farmer education was imperative as it would equip them with the skills necessary to turn their farming activities into business ventures, as well as to ensure that farmers exploited the abundant resources and the vibrant climate that was characteri­stic of Manicaland.

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