The Herald (Zimbabwe)

No one is above the revolution: Shamu

- Chinhoyi Bureau

FORMER President Robert Mugabe should understand that there is no individual who is more important than the revolution, Zanu-PF Central Committee member Cde Webster Shamu has said.

Responding to questions at a workshop in Kariba at the weekend, Cde Shamu said the party leadership is always duty-bound to listen to the voice of the people.

“There are laid down procedures for choosing leaders in the party and Government,” said Cde Shamu.

“There is no individual who is above the revolution as incidents before and after Independen­ce show. The NhariBadza Rebellion and the issue of Ndabaningi Sithole were cases in point.

“If we have someone today questionin­g President Mnangagwa’s legitimacy, they are doing so outside the dictates of the party,” he said.

The Extraordin­ary Congress, which was held in December last year, was requisitio­ned way before the events that led to Mr Mugabe’s ouster as First Secretary of the party and President of the republic, he said.

While noting that filling the vacancy left by Mr Mugabe was done according to the dictates of the party and country’s Constituti­on, Cde Shamu also indicated that Mr Mugabe’s resignatio­n actually pre-empted a well-subscribed impeachmen­t process, which drew support across the political divide.

“After clearly resigning, are we supposed to remain without a leader as a nation or are we supposed remain without a leader as a party? In Zanu-PF, we have a rich history of people who left leadership positions even during the liberation struggle. This was done to ensure the struggle continues,” he said.

Mr Mugabe’s ascendancy to the helm of the party after the expulsion of the late Ndabaningi Sithole during the liberation struggle, he said, was ratified at the party’s Congress, which was convened later in Zimbabwe.

According to Cde Shamu, the procedural way through which the transition was managed naturally gives President Mnangagwa the legal standing and mandate to engage on behalf of Zimbabwe.

Zanu-PF’s director for environmen­t and tourism at Zanu-PF Headquarte­rs Cde Stewart Mutizwa said the party secretarie­s from across the country were steadfastl­y behind President Mnangagwa.

“We have resolved as secretarie­s for environmen­t and tourism that President Mnangagwa is our candidate for the 2018 harmonised elections,” he said.

“We are also saying the party is for the people and if someone has lost direction like former President Mugabe, we disagree with him. We are saying everything was done procedural­ly both within the party and in Government. We are saying there is no legacy to protect for Robert Mugabe. (Ndabaningi) Sithole lost direction (and) he was expelled from the party.

“We cannot protect his legacy because he has lost direction.”

Cde Mutizwa also noted that the party protects the legacy of the party, and not that of individual­s.

he said.

Cde Chengeta also said the 60-metre footbridge was specifical­ly designed to serve pupils at Turf Primary School, particular­ly during the rainy season.

The local community, he said, supplied labour and materials, including farm bricks in all projects.

Cde Chengeta said out of all the quickwin projects embarked on by the RDC, only one was financed using proceeds from the Mhondoro-Ngezi-Chegutu-Zvimba Community Share Ownership Trust.

Council is also embarking on income-generating projects such as gum treatment, poultry and running a service station.

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Cde Shamu

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