The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Multiracia­l interface indaba on the cards


multiracia­l interface with people of different races who are Zimbabwean­s. We want to hear what they think with regards to Zimbabwean politics. We cannot continue to exclude them from politics.

“During Operation Restore Legacy when people marched on the streets to remove former president Mugabe, white people came to support us and we heard them singing songs praising President Mnangagwa. So we should ask ourselves that when we say pasi nevarungu (Down with white people) what do we mean?” he said.

Cde Matemadand­a said there were white people who stayed put in the country at the height of hardship and endured vilificati­on for the transgress­ions of an oppressive system, which had since been dissolved.

He said the new dispensati­on was organising an apolitical interface meeting to express its profound gratitude to the country’s general populace for supporting Operation Restore Legacy.

“We are organising another rally with the people of Zimbabwe. We want to thank them for the pivotal role they played in removing (Mr) Mugabe. We want to thank them for supporting the new dispensati­on in restoring the legacy of the country.

“This interface will be attended by everyone across the political divide and we shall not wear party regalia. The dates of the meeting will be announced soon,” he said.

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