The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Teenager seeks help

- Martha Leboho

A TEENAGE boy, Emmanuel Dzapasi (15) of Toonezvi Village under Chief Nyamande in Gutu is appealing for $500 from well-wishers to undergo bone operation after he was diagnosed of a rare bone disease that causes stunted growth.

Emmanuel, who is doing Form One at Mushayavan­hu High School, cannot raise money for the operation as he stays with his unemployed single mother in Nyamande.

In an interview with The Herald Emmanuel’s mother Mrs Rudo Mubaiwa said doctors had asked her to raise the $500 for her son to undergo an operation to deal with the stunted growth problem.

‘’Doctors said they want $500 for them to operate him but I don’t have the money since I am unemployed and have been struggling even to pay fees for him as a single parent.

“This is not the first time Emmanuel will be going into the theatre because he had had an intestine operation when he was still very young to correct a disorder and now he must have bone operation for him to grow normally like others of his age,” said Mrs Mubaiwa.

Emmanuel said his problem was now taking a toll on his education as he is sometimes forced to abscond lessons.

‘’I was ordered to follow a certain diet and avoid some foods but since my mother cannot afford to adequately cater for me I am forced to eat anything that is on the table and this has been further complicati­ng my health situation,’’ he said.

Well-wishers can contact Mrs Mubaiwa on 0782396745

Emmanuel said his problem was now taking a toll on his education as he is sometimes forced to abscond lessons.

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