The Herald (Zimbabwe)


- Tendai Rupapa Senior Court Reporter

THREE domestic workers allegedly stole property worth $10 000 from their employer after they woke up in the middle of the night while their boss was sleeping and gained access into the storeroom through the roof before stealing the goods which were kept there.

Anna Manjoro (34), Memory Seremani (19) and Plaxedes Fraizer (27) are employed as housemaids in Belvedere, Harare.

They tip-toed out of the house, climbed on top of the roof and got into the storeroom. With the assistance of their two alleged accomplice­s, the three women hired two vehicles to carry the loot.

The trio yesterday appeared before magistrate Ms Tilda Mazhande charged with unlawful entry in aggravatin­g circumstan­ces.

They were remanded in custody to today for bail applicatio­n after prosecutor Ms Linda Gadzikwa opposed bail.

The gang’s two accomplice­s have since been arrested and brought to court.

It is the State’s case that on March 19, at around 10pm, the complainan­t (name not given) went to his bedroom to sleep.

The gang then hatched a plan to steal from their boss. It is alleged they devised a plan to make it look like burglars had stolen the items. In the middle of the night, the five accused persons allegedly tip-toed and went out of the house before climbing on top of the roof.

They allegedly removed the tiles and three of them got into the storeroom while the other two remained on guard.

They stole groceries, suitcases full of clothes, 30 boxes of bond paper among other goods valued at $10 000, the court heard.

The State further alleged that after stealing, the gang hired two vehicles and loaded the loot which they took to Fraizer’s relative’s house, who resides in the same area. They later went back to their employer’s house to sleep before sharing the loot the following day.

Their employer discovered the “break-in” the following morning and the gang professed ignorance prompting him to make a report to the police.

Investigat­ions led to the arrest of the gang after some of them were caught selling the goods.

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