The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback



Responses to “ZRP warns public about attacking officers” If the police act profession­ally they will not be enemies of the people. — @ drdonnemor­e. *** That is true, but for the police to earn respect they should end corruption. —@ Dubequinto­n. *** Response to “Appetite for investment in Zim grows” Having investors in Zimbabwe is great, l like it. We have never heard of investors coming to invest in bullet trains. But, for President Mnangagwa’s vision, we are seeing them coming, wanting to rebuild Zimbabwe. — @NyemudzaiM­utukwa.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Appetite for investment in Zim grows” If one wants to be manipulate­d with nonsensica­l premature news they should attend one MDC Alliance rally addressed by Nelson Chamisa. You will hear about airports and “spaghetti” highways close to your homes. What is being reported here is real news. #EDhasMyvot­e. — Evans Kudakwashe Mavunga.

*** Responses to “ED speaks on US

re-engagement terms” Very true Mr President, this issue is one sided. Only the opposition and activists have been interviewe­d and listened to, but us the ordinary citizen, no one from the US has bothered to hear our side of the story. Worse still no one from the ruling party has been given a platform to give their side of the story. — Munyaradzi Buwu.

*** These demands will never end. They will create condition after condition till kingdom come. They will only be satisfied once they are certain of their victory at the polls. — James Gadzirai.

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Whoever came up with this silly idea of a creature called Alliance got it all wrong from the start. A political party must stand alone and be prepared to contest any election as a single unit. No wonder why Gutu pulled out as he was eyeing the Mt Pleasant seat. — Eliasha.

Responses to “Warring MDC Alliance becomes increasing­ly wobbly”

The Tower of Babel alliance, so-called MDC-T Alliance (US), is a product of the devil’s workshop in my informed and learned view. Political leaders who pay a sinister hegira to the US to lobby for sanctions will remain cursed. God does not brook political leaders who do not understand that economic sanctions are evil, especially for Zimbabwe, because of our land reform programme. We pray for the MDC-T Alliance to fall.

The God of love, loves Zimbabwean­s and will ensure ZANU-PF wins the coming elections resounding­ly to bury the misguided Chamisa and lot. Building alliances against national interests has proved and will always prove to be the bane of our sinister, naive and nefarious opposition politics. Those who enjoy opposing people’s interests by supporting sanctions will be politicall­y buried by the people’s vote. Their US-backed alliance will indeed degenerate into the Biblical Tower of Babel. — Cde Mzvinavhu.

*** Response to “Poor leadership

MDC’s Achilles heel” Incisive and intelligen­t analysis. This critique is objective and educationa­l about what we should look for in national, pragmatic leaders, not the empty rhetoric from rabble-rousers riding on the wave of populist “generation­al politics”. — Tracey.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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