The Herald (Zimbabwe)


- Fungai Lupande Mash Central Bureau

FIRST Lady Auxilia Mnangagwa said she is worried about soaring cases of child marriages in Mashonalan­d Central province and wants the practice to end.

She said this while addressing parents at Chidembo High School on Thursday last week, where she had travelled to pay schools fees for Manyara Vore, whose desperate endeavour of panning gold in Mazowe River to raise fees, moved her.

The First Lady challenged women to protect their children from abuse.

“Mashonalan­d Central is at the top of the list in child marriages. I talked about this issue when I visited childrens’ homes here. I don’t know what is happening here for you to have such shameful fame,” she said.

“Women please don’t let your children be abused. I want to hear that a woman was arrested for not allowing her child to be married off. It is worrying that the issue of child marriages is still going on.

“I want to come back and meet parents and talk about this issue.

“When a young girl is married off and gets pregnant, her body is not ready to carry a child and it leads to complicati­ons.

“No child here is to be married off again.

“Fathers don’t take advantage of the respect you are given by women and think you can do anything, including marrying off young children to your friends.

“No more child marriages and let the gospel start here.”

The First Lady also urged families at Avoca Farm to plan their families responsibl­y.

She said fathers should concentrat­e on providing for their families, including making sure that they have families that they are able to look after.

Shamva schools inspector Mrs Christina Mudiwa thanked the First Lady for taking a firm stance against child marriages.

“We have seen your good deeds and great love.

“As Shamva district, we thank the First Lady for the wise words, especially on child marriages. We pray for you and we thank you for the love you have shown to Manyara Vore,” she said.

In addition to paying school fees for Manyara Vore until she completes her secondary school education, the First Lady also donated books and computers to the girl’s school, Chidembo High School.

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