The Herald (Zimbabwe)

ZUJ urges responsibl­e reporting

- Fungayi Munyoro Mutare Correspond­ent

JOURNALIST­S should report responsibl­y, especially in their coverage of the 2018 harmonised elections, a Zimbabwe Union of Journalist­s (ZUJ) consultant on election reporting has said.

Addressing 30 journalist­s during a media workshop on election reporting held in Mutare on Friday last week, lead trainer and veteran journalist Vincent Kahiya (pictured above) said, scribes must produce stories that are fair and balanced.

“Journalist­s must avoid leaning towards any political party during the elections. They will lose credibilit­y. Their stories are supposed to be balanced and fair. They must not show that they are favouring or sympathisi­ng with any particular party by giving it more favourable coverage than other parties in the same situation with it.

“As journalist­s, you must watch out for spin doctors. You must be careful and evaluate your news sources very well,” he said.

Kahiya encouraged reporters to also have safety plans during the elections.

“As journalist­s, you must have safety plans. Ensure to put safety first when covering elections. Media houses should have safety plans in place for their reporters,” he said.

The two-day workshop was officially opened by Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs Cde Monica Mutsvangwa.

Minister Mutsvangwa reminded journalist­s that they had an important role to play in the developmen­t of the province during and after the 2018 harmonised elections.

ZUJ programme manager Mr Eric Matingo said as an organisati­on that stood for the welfare of journalist­s, it was necessary to train journalist­s ahead of the elections.

“This is a nationwide training that we are doing as ZUJ. We want our reporters to report more profession­ally. We have received some reports on issues that have to do with biased reporting and hate language. We hope this workshop will enlighten our reporters and we hope to receive good reports on them in the future,” said Mr Matingo.

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