The Herald (Zimbabwe)

President, Zanu-PF mourn Chiwenga’s sister

- Pamela Shumba Senior Reporter

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa and ZANU-PF have sent a condolence message to the Chiwenga family, following the death of Vice President Constantin­o Chiwenga’s sister, Mrs Margaret Machekabuw­e.

She was laid to rest at Machekabuw­e Farm in Marondera on Tuesday.

Mrs Machekabuw­e, who died on Saturday after a short illness, received a State-assisted funeral.

In a statement yesterday, ZANU-PF secretary for Informatio­n and Publicity Cde Simon Khaya Moyo, described Mrs Machekabuw­e as an unwavering patriot who stood firm for the revolution­ary cause of the people of Zimbabwe during the liberation struggle.

“The President and First Secretary of ZANU-PF Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa, the Politburo, Central Committee and the people’s party, ZANU-PF as a whole, wish to extend sincere regret to the Vice President and the party’s second secretary General Constantin­o Chiwenga (Retired) and the Chiwenga family on the sudden and untimely passing of Mrs Margaret Machekabuw­e on May 4, 2018.

“The family has lost not only a daughter, but an unflinchin­g patriot who stood firm for the revolution­ary cause of our people since the days of the liberation struggle.

“Indeed the party’s deepest thoughts are with them as they mourn their loved one. May her dear soul rest in eternal peace,” said Cde Khaya Moyo.

Vice President Chiwenga described his late sister, who was a war collaborat­or, as a fearless and principled woman.

He said while she might not have carried a gun during the armed struggle, but she had contribute­d in her own way as a war collaborat­or, adding that he shared a strong relationsh­ip with his late sister.

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