The Herald (Zimbabwe)

DRC confirms 17 cases of Ebola


KINSHASA. — Seventeen people in northwest Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have died from Ebola, the health ministry said on Tuesday, describing the fresh outbreak as a “public health emergency with internatio­nal impact.”

“Twenty-one cases of fever with haemorrhag­ic indication­s and 17 deaths” have been recorded in Equateur province, it said, citing a notificati­on to the ministry as of May 3.

It is the DRC’s ninth known outbreak of Ebola since 1976, when the deadly viral disease was first identified in then-Zaire by a Belgian-led team.

In Geneva, the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) said lab tests in the DRC confirmed the presence of Ebola virus in two out of five samples collected from patients.

“WHO is working closely with the government of the DRC to rapidly scale up its operations and mobilise health partners, using the model of a successful response to a similar... outbreak in 2017,” it said in a statement.

It said it had released $1 million (£738,200) from an emergency contingenc­y fund, set up a coordinati­on group and deployed more than 50 experts to work with the DRC government and health agencies. The outbreak occurred in Bikoro, on the shores of Lake Tumba.

All the cases were reported from a clinic at Ilkoko Iponge, located about 30 kilometres from Bikoro, where treatment capacities are limited, the WHO said.

A team of experts from the WHO, Doctors without Borders, and Equateur province travelled to Bikoro on Tuesday to beef up coordinati­on and carry out investigat­ions, it said.

Ebola is one of the world’s most notorious diseases, being both highly infectious and extremely lethal.

It is caused by a virus that has a natural reservoir in the bat, which does not itself fall ill, but can pass the microbe on to humans who hunt it for “bushmeat”.

The virus is handed on by contact with bodily fluids touching a sick or dead person is a well-known source of infection.

Following an incubation period of between two and 21 days, Ebola develops into a high fever, weakness, intense muscle and joint pain, headaches and a sore throat.

That is often followed by vomiting and diarrhoea, skin eruptions, kidney and liver failure, and internal and external bleeding.

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