The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.


Response to “Chamisa mocks Tsvangirai” This boy is delusional. Vote for him at your own peril. — @Natemanher­u. *** If that is what he said about Tsvangirai, he must mind his language for sure. Too many tongue slips, I will call that childish. Why even highlight mistakes of a departed soul? If it was a joke, it’s in very bad taste. — @darlington­Raza.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Chamisa

mocks Tsvangirai” Is this man an advocate? Did he actually trash our cultural values in order to make life easy for his vocal and mentally incapacita­ted supporters that aimlessly mill around Harvest House and physically abuse those that hold a political view different to his own? This child is insane, we should be concerned about his mental state. — Aaron Chimwaza.

*** Response “MUTASA BOOTED OUT AGAIN” It’s better, but, rather too late. This guy has damaged the reputation of the club since losing the championsh­ip last year. Squabbles date back to the 90s. Mhofu performed miracles whilst the club was going through serious discord and at one time we even joked that DeMbare performs better when there are problems. So to say Lloyd is not the problem is totally misleading when it comes to on-the-field performanc­e of the team. — Naison Mhembere.

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This time people were not bused to Chamisa’s UK rally, they were already convenient­ly in position! The rally was held near a food bank where asylum seekers in search of food parcels were gathered. They were from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Togo and Chad, who had been misled into thinking that being pictured at an opposition rally whilst putting on MDC regalia and sending the pictures of shame to the British Home Office would get them papers! What presidenti­al candidate is it who addresses a “rally” perched high on an unstable poor man’s kitchen table? How stupid was that? Chamisa was in the UK where politician­s use the “soapbox” and the excitable opposition leader chose an unbalanced table to stand on to be in sync with his unbalanced mind! — Jeremiah.

Response to “Chiwenga opens up on complexion” People may joke about Vice President Chiwenga’s statements, but there is a high possibilit­y of a chemical attack considerin­g how President Mnangagwa was poisoned last year and ended up being rushed to South Africa for treatment. It’s most likely the Vice President might have been a target too. The reason why these politician­s end up outside the country is not necessaril­y that there are no adequate services here, but for security reasons. — Cde Jairos Tapfuma.

*** Response to “Beer shortages loom” Delta Beverages should simply recycle its Chibuku Super plastic bottles like what they used to do with Scud. These containers, alongside imported disposable lager and cider bottles, are not only an eyesore, but an environmen­tal nightmare. Why EMA chooses to ignore this, is really puzzling. — Tafamutekw­e.

*** Responses to “Renamo names

interim leader” He should have died long back. Career terrorist. I survived through the eye of a needle when his Renamo bandits raided our school on the Zimbabwean side in 1985. — Kabius Kekedu.

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