The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Boy (17) to pay for child upkeep

- Takudzwa Chiwerewes­he Mutare Correspond­ent

A WOMAN in Mutare has taken a 17-yearold boy to court demanding maintenanc­e.

Chinance Choronga (18) wants the teenager to pay $60 monthly towards the upkeep of their child.

She told a Mutare magistrate Ms Nyasha Kuture yesterday that the boy had neglected the child, leaving her with no option, but to approach the court for redress.

The boy, who cannot be named because of his age, claimed he was forced to be intimate with Choronga by the complainan­t’s mother.

“I was forced to have sex by her mother your worship. I took her in and she briefly stayed with us before running away from our home for unclear reasons,” he said.

Choronga dismissed the claims as fabricated. She alleges that they were in a consensual relationsh­ip and she eloped after she fell pregnant.

Choronga alleges she left because his parents were abusive.

“Your worship I stayed briefly with them when I fell pregnant, but the environmen­t was no longer conducive due to the respondent’s parents. His mother was very hostile and she repeatedly insulted and harassed me. She accused me of trapping her son. I felt unwanted so I decided to move away.”

The court was left in stitches when the boy said she loved Choronga and begged her to return home.

“I love this woman your worship. I am asking her in front of the court that she returns home so that we can be a family again.”

He said he was unemployed, but is willing to raise $20 monthly for the upkeep of the child.

The magistrate ordered Choronga and the boy to contribute $30 for the upkeep of the child.

Ms Kuture advised the boy to grow into a man before thinking of matrimony.

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