The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The blessing of giving


Proverbs 11 vs 25; “A GENEROUS person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” A DEAR friend of mine is a prolific speaker and writer on issues to do with giving and stewardshi­p. For the last couple of years he has diligently taught on this topic as he has seen it within the heavenly realm. For him, nothing can be greater than to teach this one principle to all nations. From his lessons one can gain a better understand­ing of the relevance of a giving heart and GOD’s desire to bless it.

The LORD spoke about the widow who gave of her last and indicated that nothing can be greater than this selfless act of giving her all. We are sometimes caught between a rock and a hard place; where we are called to give but when we look at our circumstan­ces, the arithmetic becomes an impossibil­ity, the variants cannot balance. When confronted with the thought of giving the little we may have, we are so easily brought to bear by this voice that says, “then what will you do? Don’t be a fool.”

The Bible is littered with stories of sacrifice, premised on GOD bearing it upon the recipient that when you give, heaven can hear you. We are on bended knees everyday asking the LORD to give us and to hear us, but when was the last time you heard someone else, where the focus of your attention shifted from you to a desire to be a blessing to others?

Today, spend a little more time answering the call to give and bless others. As you do, may GOD richly bless you as you learn the lesson that giving is greater than receiving.

Be blessed.

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