The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

@HeraldZimb­abwe Responses to “Agricultur­e partnershi­ps key to food security: President” Yes, l agree with you sir. Agricultur­e and mining are key to our economic recovery. — @silvalaza9­8. *** With enough for us to feed and sell, poverty can never be our portion. —@ OniasOnie. *** Response to “Nakamba basks in league glory” Marvellous indeed! Happy for you young man. Continue doing well. —@ kumbiraiMa­nh. *** Response to “Violence rocks Chamisa’s MDC-T” Order of the day in MDC-T, they even boast about it at rallies saying “if ZANU-PF does not go we will remove them by guns.” Very sad, people cheer to that not knowing that nothing comes out of violence. — @Wilsonkeza. The Herald — Zimbabwe Response to “ED messenger

of hope: ZANU-PF” Hate it or like it, the coming in of President Mnangagwa has seen a lot of changes. After suffering for a long time, we now have hope. It won’t be an easy journey though, but we will get there. Good administra­tion Cde Mnangagwa. — James Shumba.

*** Response to “ZRP steps up fight against corruption” The initiative is good, but it won’t be easy to cure this deadly disease called corruption.

The fight needs to start from Government officials and institutio­ns to individual level. With corruption we move two steps ahead, three steps back. — Yollanda Muweni.

*** Response to “Government rolls out anti-cancer vaccine in schools”

I have never been this excited as a mother. It is good that our children can be protected from cervical cancer.

I urge all parents to take their children for the vaccinatio­n exercise, this is best for them. — Sheila Dube. SMS/WhatsApp: +2637191118­99

Rememberin­g marginalis­ed groups in our society should be everyone’s responsibi­lity. Zimplats has done a good job by engaging people living with albinism in Binga.

Thank you Zimplats, these people need care as lotions and creams for their skin are expensive.

Many suffer from eye problems and can not afford spectacles.

May programmes like these should reach all rural areas in Zimbabwe to help our brothers and sisters living with albinism. — Francis Mlambo, Binga. Response to “Violence rocks

Chamisa’s MDC-T” I think the MDC-T only speaks of democracy when it suits them. When the tables turn the party engages in violence, which is now an accepted way of addressing grievances within the party. It is a shame for a party that claims to be fighting to change the political landscape in the country.

It is a matter of time before this party implodes. Shame on MDC-T and its leadership. — Bodo.

*** Violence has become a norm in MDC-T that its supporters do not even realise how bad their actions are. The leadership has work to do to restore purported democracy. — Jeremiah.

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