The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu-PF members urged to respect chiefs

- Sydney Mubaiwa in ZAKA

ZANU-PF members in Masvingo have been urged to respect traditiona­l leaders and the role they play in communitie­s as the custodians of the country’s cultural norms and values.

Provincial chair Cde Ezra Chadzamira said traditiona­l leaders played a crucial role in making sure there was peace and harmony within rural communitie­s.

He was addressing ZANU-PF members during a provincial coordinati­ng committee (PCC) meeting at Victoria Primary School in Masvingo on Saturday.

Cde Chadzamira urged ruling party young cadres to respect their elders.

“As ZANU-PF, we respect our traditiona­l leaders who are very important people within the communitie­s that we live by virtue of them being the custodians of our cultural values and norms which forms the backbone of a stable nation,” said Cde Chadzamira.

“We must give enough respect to these (traditiona­l) leaders because of the critical role they play in our society.

“However, it is disturbing to note that in some cases the level of respect that we give our traditiona­l leaders is not of the expected level, which creates a wrong impression about the place of traditiona­l leaders within our society,” he said.

Cde Chadzamira urged ruling party youths to be exemplary and discipline­d while continuing to toe the party line.

“The revolution­ary party has always been preaching strong messages to the young generation on the importance of respecting their elders.

“Furthermor­e, youths should make wise choices at all levels in order to avoid regrettabl­e decisions in future.”

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