The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Govt resuscitat­es irrigation scheme

- Sukoluhle Ndlovu Midlands Correspond­ent

GOVERNMENT has rehabilita­ted the 17 hectares at Wozoli Irrigation Scheme in Silobela at a cost of $30 000 to benefit over 70 households, which are now assured of a constant supply of irrigation water.

The scheme, which draws water from Gweru River, was first establishe­d in 1968 and ceased functionin­g in 2002, because the equipment had broken down.

Since then, the local community has been relying on dry land cropping, which resulted in the reduction of yields and income.

To ensure food security and a source of employment for the locals, Government, through the District Developmen­t Fund (DDF), rehabilita­ted the scheme much to the relief of the 78 beneficiar­ies, comprising of 58 women.

Speaking during the commission­ing ceremony, Midlands Provincial Affairs Minister Cde Owen Ncube assured beneficiar­ies that Government will ensure that they receive farming inputs on time.

“I can assure you that the Government will make sure that you will get farming inputs on time so that this project becomes a success.

“I also want to urge you to desist from vandalisin­g equipment. Please make sure that the pumps, pipes and the water tanks are taken good care of. This is your project so you have to guard it jealously,” he said.

Minister Ncube also said the hectarage of the scheme will be increased in due course.

“The Wozoli Irrigation Scheme has a surface area of 17 hectares and will be extended to 25 hectares.

“The number of beneficiar­ies will also increase from 78 once the hectarage of irrigable land is extended.

“Another thing, please avoid conflicts as they might lead to the collapse of this scheme. If there are misunderst­andings, please make sure that you resolve those issues amicably,” he said.

Speaking on the sidelines of the same event, DDF water supplies director Mr Edwin Toriro said part of their mission was to boost farming in the province.

He said they will rehabilita­te four more irrigation schemes this year.

“We will rehabilita­te irrigation schemes in Mutambi, Shurugwi, Zvishavane and Mvuma by the end of the year to boost farming in the province,” he said.

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