The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.


Response to “Chamisa angers women again” What exactly is it with Chamisa and women? The “boy” should just learn to keep his mouth shut, because each time he opens his mouth something regrettabl­e just comes out. — @blubbermou­th. *** Response to “Coca-Cola pledges to invest $65m” Good times are indeed rolling for Zimbabwe. It is such commitment that shows that the internatio­nal community sees a brighter future with the new dispensati­on led by President Mnangagwa. — @ maxafro.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Govt, SA firm seal

$5,2bn fuel deal” ED=Economic Developmen­t. The future is bright. Keep it up Mr President. I know you are a listening President, but the problem with some of us is that they only see the negative. Their childish pranks are sickening, to say the least. — Leo Zimondi Ziki.

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Response to “Police chief breathes

fire” Thank you Commission­er-General. You have a lot of work ahead of you. Officers on roadblocks are still asking for bribes openly. Maybe we need expatriate­s for the interim period to correct the policing situation? The public has lost confidence in the police force. — Nems.

Responses to “I can impregnate

any woman, says Chamisa” In politics, even a slip of the tongue can give your enemies ammunition against you. There are many videos on social media that show so called pastors, especially the gospelneur­s, using vulgar messages to entertain their followers. How was he trained as a pastor? Is this young politician not showing the vulgar church slant at his political rallies? — Cde Mzvinavhu (Prof).

*** “Young” as Chamisa thinks he is, he should stop talking like a toddler. And who doesn’t grow old anyway in life? Isn’t it that every day people live on earth they will be growing? Let him talk sense like how to rebuild Zimbabwe; spread the word of peace — starting in his fragmented MDC-T party; above all behave maturely. No Zimbabwean needs this child’s play he is exhibiting on a daily basis. — Mimi.

*** This can never be called political banter in an African culture. This is utterly childish and a serious display of lack of political maturity. The younger Julius Malema has never gone this far. Such talk is reserved for men conversing with varamu. What has the energy to impregnate a woman got to do with the energy to revitalise the economy? — Mhofu Chaiyo Taneta.

*** Responses to “Zvorwadza slates

‘selfish’ opposition” Thank you so much Mr Zvorwadza. You can be an excellent ambassador of the people. How can someone who purports to represent the interests of the people go to court to represent employers, resulting in the dismissal of close to 20 000 workers on three months’ notice, leaving families broken? — Senior.

*** Response to “Police chief

breathes fire” The truth is that these guys messed up public confidence a long time ago. They need more time to regain public confidence. The same people they frustrated and demanded bribes from are the same people they are meeting today. I feel pity for the police. Please Commission­er-General help these guys; they have lost integrity. — Mina.

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