The Herald (Zimbabwe)

MDC accountabl­e for violence — ED

- Tendai Mugabe Senior Reporter

THE MDC-Alliance leadership should be held accountabl­e for the violence that rocked Harare’s central business district (CBD) yesterday, which was meant to disrupt a peaceful electoral process that was about to come to an end, President Mnangagwa has said.

Three people died in the violent disturbanc­es by MDC-Alliance supporters who were acting on reckless statements from their leaders.

President Mnangagwa said the MDC-Alliance leadership should also be held responsibl­e for any loss of life and damage to property that occurred.

Addressing journalist­s at his Munhumutap­a Offices in Harare last night, the President urged MDC-Alliance leaders to remove their violent supporters from the streets.

MDC-Alliance is led by Mr Nelson Chamisa who on several occasions posted messages on social media saying he would not accept any result in which he was not the winner.

On the campaign trail ahead of the elections on Monday, Mr Chamisa vowed to make the country ungovernab­le if he lost.

“We hold the opposition MDC-Alliance and its whole leadership responsibl­e for this disturbanc­e of national peace, which was meant to disrupt the electoral process,” said President Mnangagwa.

“Equally, we hold the party and its leadership responsibl­e for any loss of life, injury or damage to property that arise from these acts of political violence which they have aided and abetted.

“The Alliance leadership has, forthwith, to remove its violent supporters from the streets so peace returns to our country. In asking them to take this necessary step, Government is simply reminding them of their duties as responsibl­e political players, and as citizens.”

President Mnangagwa said the acts of violence came as a surprise given the generally peaceful environmen­t.

He said Government went out of its way to ensure the harmonised elections were held in a tranquil environmen­t.

To that end, President Mnangagwa said: “In the past month or so, our country saw a remarkably peaceful election campaign process like has never been witnessed before. Government preached the message of peace, which was largely accepted and heeded by our people.

“Building on that environmen­t of peace, this Monday, July 30, Zimbabwean­s went out in record numbers to cast their votes, and did so in the full glare of internatio­nal observers and the world media.

“Since yesterday, our election management body, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, has been announcing results of that voting


“As I address you, results of parliament­ary seats are all but fully announced, with those for presidenti­al candidates waiting for legal formalitie­s before they are similarly announced. Like the campaignin­g and voting process, this stage in our whole electoral process started off peacefully.

“Against this background, incidents of wanton violence and hooliganis­m which broke out this afternoon in the capital come as a complete surprise.”

President Mnangagwa said in any electoral process, there were winners and losers and people should learn to accept the outcome of such processes.

“In any electoral process, it is understood that some win while others lose,” he said.

“But those who lose should never translate their disappoint­ment into hooliganis­m.”

The electoral process is expected to end today when ZEC is expected to announce the results of the presidenti­al polls.

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