The Herald (Zimbabwe)


- Herald Reporter

AFRICAN National Congress (ANC) national executive committee member and former spokespers­on Mr Zizi Kodwa says MDC-Alliance leader Mr Nelson Chamisa must be held accountabl­e for the violence that rocked Harare yesterday, after he issued inflammato­ry and reckless statements.

Mr Chamisa and some senior members of the MDC-Alliance are on record threatenin­g post-election violence if not declared the winners by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

Throughout his election campaign Mr Chamisa vowed to make Zimbabwe ungovernab­le, equating any result not favourable to him to rigging.

He also publicly instructed party supporters to stay at polling stations after voting “to protect your vote” at a rally in Gweru.

Mr Chamisa further threatened “hapadyiwe rinopisa, mukaita zvokutamba ndinodira majecha muhupfu, haridyiwe sadza iroro”.

Yesterday, Mr Kodwa blamed Mr Chamisa for the violence that claimed three lives in Harare.

He posted on his Twitter handle: “Nelson Chamisa of MDC must be held accountabl­e for inflammato­ry and reckless statements which has now led to eruption of violent protests in Harare. What started as peaceful elections in Zimbabwe history. He irresponsi­bly declared himself a “winner”. #ZimDecides­2018”

MDC spokespers­on Ms Linda Masarira slammed the MDC-Alliance, particular­ly Mr Tendai Biti, for inciting violence.

“I am saddened by the violence that erupted today (yesterday) in Harare. No one deserves to die for political expediency.

“I am calling @BitiTendai to order for inciting violence. We should all concede defeat in a

peaceful manner not to manipulate innocent suffering citizens #ZimbabweEl­ections,” she tweeted.

Publisher Mr Trevor Ncube accused the MDC-Alliance of fomenting violence in a bid for an inclusive Government.

Mr Ncube tweeted: “Nelson Chamisa must release all the V11 Forms that he has. If he has won Zimbabwe will congratula­te and celebrate with him. zanu-pf has already gone through this meticulous process for their candidate.

Dont use innocent lives to negotiate for a GNU. #ZimbabweEl­ections”.

Former ZBC Radio 2 disc jockey Ezra Tshisa Sibanda also laid blame on MDC-Alliance leaders.

“Morgan Tsvangirai & Gibson Sibanda must be turning in their

graves for seeing their party MDC which was founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and good governance has now been turned into a violent party.

“The MDC-Alliance has more lawyers than any other party in Zimbabwe and it’s so shocking to hear some of its leaders inciting violence to create anarchy and despondenc­y.

“Tendai Biti with no support and only won his seat because of riding on Chamisa’s popularity should stop inciting violence and use the courts of law to address any grievances the party has. Simply provide evidence of rigging if you have Mr Biti than rely on social media keyboard warriors with their usual fake news,” said Mr Sibanda.

He said Zimbabwean­s want peace and violence must never be tolerated.

“Zimbabwean­s want peace and Biti should not put our people at risk. Many people lost their relatives because of political violence in the past and we don’t want that to happen again.

“Let’s correct our mistakes fight for justice in a proper and lawful way. Let’s pray for peace in our nation!,” added Mr Sibanda.

The Herald is reliably informed that academics like Mr Miles Tendi and Pedzisai Ruhanya were part of a team of consultant­s hired to assist Mr Chamisa with pre and post election strategy and allegedly prescribed use of violence.

But Mr Tendi yesterday said he was never hired by Mr Chamisa’s team for any purpose.

“Not at all. I am happy to sue anyone saying that and I will sue, I will,” he said.

Mr Ruhanya was not available for a comment, but he is on record supporting Mr Chamisa throughout his campaign through prop0agand­a veiled as academic material.

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